2000-3-21 00:03:00
(1) What is the best water to drink?
(a) Distilled or reverse osmosis
(b) Filtered with the minerals left in.
(c) Spring water
(d) Tap water
Some spring waters are very good, but others are questionable. Overall distilled or reverse osmosis is the best, for it is the purest water. Many believe that water with high mineral content is good for you, but long time use can cause arthritis and other problems. The minerals in water are merely ground up rocks and the body has to work hard to eliminate over 90% of them from the body.
Definitely avoid tap water with high amounts of chlorine.
(2) How can fasting be used to improve health?
The body puts tremendous energy into digesting food. When you fast this energy is freed up and the body puts it to use in eliminating poisons from the body.
This is the reason you get a headache or feel faint or weak during the first day of a fast. The body is taking that extra energy and using its power to dump unwanted poisons into the bloodstream. After two or three days the elimination process becomes more regulated and the headaches disappear.
If you want to know how full of poison you are, fast for three days with no solid food. Drink only water or organic juice. Then look at your tongue in the mirror. The more coated it is, the more poisons there are in your body. When you can fast for three days and have only a small amount of coating on your tongue this is a sign that your body is clean and in good shape internally.
The fasts I recommend are 3, 7 or 10 days. If you have not fasted before, start with a three day one. Fasting on water alone is very effective.
Another great fast is to drink only purified water with added fresh squeezed lemon, with honey and cayenne pepper added to taste. Maple syrup is a good substitute for honey, but you have to make sure you get it from a good source. Some maple syrups have formaldehyde added as a preservative and with this added it can wind up doing you more harm than good. Apple and grape also are good juices to fast with.
Many fasting enthusiast recommend enemas during the fast. I've always had an aversion to enemas myself and have worked out a natural plan just as good. Fast for the first day on only water or lemon juice and then during the second day drink a good quantity of grape, cherry or prune juice. Actually cherry juice is the most potent. If you do this you will naturally eliminate everything possible that is left in you. Your bowels should be pretty clean for the rest of the fast.
If you have hypoglycemia you may have difficulty in fasting and become ill and faint. If this is your situation the best thing to do is to go on a modified fast. You can go on a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables for 10-20 days with just enough protein added to keep you feeling well. You'll have to experiment on what works for you as a modified fast. If you do work out a partial fasting program you'll have to figure going on it for about twice the length to achieve the same benefit as a more complete fast.
I usually fast twice a year for a week each on water or juice. If I'm feeling out of sorts or low on energy and do not know the cause I'll go on a fast. After the fast I often feel quite rejuvenated.
Breaking the fast is as important as the fast itself. The first day after a fast you should eat only fruit and salad vegetables. Then the day after you can eat pretty normally, buy do not overeat. It is dangerous to stuff yourself after a fast. My friend Wayne fasted for twelve days once on water and broke it with a hamburger and milkshake. That could have made a lesser man deathly ill, but it didn't seem to bother him. I gave him quite a lecture on it.
A good book on fasting in addition to Arnold Ehret was written by Paul Braag. This and some other of his interesting books are at: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0877900361/o/qid=953655831/sr=2-1/002-4976656-1346663
(3) If you are going to eat fruit, vegetables and meat how should you go about consuming them? Should you eat them together or in some type of order or sequence?
Overall, it is good to eat fruit and light foods early in the day and the heavier foods near the evening, but the big mistake people make is the order of eating within a single meal.
It is a big mistake to eat fruit deserts after a heavy meal, for instance. As food enters your stomach it settles in layers. Meat may take eight or more hours to digest, whereas fruit may take less than a hour. If fruit goes on top of a layer of meat then it stays there and putrefies. This wrong order of eating and consequent putrefaction is the cause of much of the gas and heartburn people have.
If you eat fruit it should be eaten on an empty stomach. If you eat a salad with your meal eat it first. Do not eat it with meat and other heavy foods. Do not mix ham or other meats with your salad. By eating only vegetables and fruit first this gives your digestive system the opportunity to immediately begin to digest them and then later give full attention to the heavier foods to come.
Another universally accepted health activity is exercise. What are your ideas in using exercise to increase the quality of health? There is a great health drawback to exercise that is often overlooked. Can you tell us what it is?
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved