2000-3-20 22:18:00
It's getting a little slow so I guess I'll add an inflammatory comment.
Who told you God was perfect? Is He/She/It really perfect or is this just a tradition passed down from astral idealists?
If God is perfect why does He create??? Creation changes things. If the universe created by a perfect God was perfect before added creation, then further creation would result in imperfection.
If God is perfect then why are you (a creation of God) imperfect? If it is only illusion that you are imperfect then why does a perfect one have an imperfect illusion????
The fact is that in the beginning of this universe God jumped into incarnation with fear and trembling. This is why fear is woven in the fabric of matter itself as DK expresses it. This fear must be met and conquered on many levels.
He knew the beginning point and the end goal, but had little idea about the in-between. That is why life is so exciting.
Who wants to watch a movie where you know every thing that is going to happen?
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved