To Veg or Not to Veg

2000-3-18 21:01:00

The question:
Is a vegetarian diet healthier than a meat diet?

I was amused by John W's dissertation on the subject and there is a lot of truth in what he says. From an angle of nutrition and health, many meat eaters fare better than the vegetarians.

Here is the main problem with switching to a vegetarian diet. When one goes vegetarian his body misses his regular supply of protein and this causes a starvation for oxygen. This causes many vegetarians or partial vegetarians to overcompensate by eating more starchy food, eggs and cheese. These meat substitutes often are less healthy than the meat they have given up.

On the other hand, if the vegetarian has a high concentration of living foods in his diet he can be healthier than the meat eater - providing he gets a good natural supply of minerals and this is often lacking in most "living" diets.

I read about a study some time ago where they analyzed the health and longevity of Seventh Day Adventists who are vegetarians; the Mormons who abstain from alcohol, tobacco, coffee and tea; and compared them to the general population. It turned out that the Mormons fared a little better than average, but interestingly a later study showed that moderate wine drinkers fared better than the Mormons - note that word moderate.

The study also revealed that the Seventh Day Adventists did better than the Mormons, but the significance was only a couple percent. I do not have the study at my fingertips. Perhaps an enterprising member can find it on the web for us.

Does it make any difference whether or not one eats meat if he is on the spiritual path?

Kudos goes to Mark for finding a good Alice A. Bailey quote on the importance of a vegetarian diet for the "applicant." But notice that Cynthia comes back with this:

"According to AAB in The Rays and Initiations re: Rule 6 (p. 124-127), a vegetarian diet is necessary for applicants in the beginning stages for purification and other purposes. However, she points out that life cannot really be taken. So once a person has advanced a little further upon the path and stands at the doorway of initiation, then vegetarianism and other physical disciplines are no longer necessary since the person is, at this stage of his development, in no danger of being controlled by his physical appetites."

Actually, one of the few criticisms made of the AAB books is that DK seems to be inconsistent in his teachings about vegetarianism. What is the real truth here? After all, some of the greatest initiates in our history have been meat eaters.

The fact is that as a seeker approaches the second initiation (and the first to a lesser degree) a lot of new energies come into play that is difficult for the physical body to handle. During this period it is essential that the vibration of the physical body be enhanced through a purifying diet. This may also be required for the third initiation, but overall the soul will guide the applicant here.

After the initiations are passed and the disciple is between initiations, the eating of meat may be permissible and even desirable, to aid the disciple in certain types of work among the masses.

So for those of you who feel strongly impressed by your souls to be strict vegetarians this would be a sign that you are preparing for a new initiation. For others of you who are obviously on the Path, but are not so inclined (JWK for example), this would indicate that this is a period of application and hard work for you to accomplish certain goals as directed by your soul.

In my life I have gone the whole spectrum of diet for various purposes, and at present I do eat meat to keep the vibration of my body low enough to keep me centered in the practical world so I can achieve success promoting this work. Later, when this type of attention is not required, I shall switch to a more refined diet.

As far as the morality of eating meat goes, DK gives this practical answer. He states that the killing of an animal for food does not interfere with the purposes of God. When a human life is taken, the killer interrupts the path of the soul, whereas when an animal life is taken, the path of that life is not disturbed.

In other words, the real harm in the murder of a human is that, time is lost and plans from a higher level have to be changed. Because the animal is not self conscious the taking of his life has little effect on goals from his oversoul.

I do not think the animal rights groups realize the negative effect that would be produced within the animal kingdom if we all turned into vegetarians tomorrow. All the cattle, chickens, lamb, pigs, etc. would lose their source of sustenance and would suffer enormous depravation and death.

Overall, their association with the human kingdom is very stimulating to their evolution. Few realize that there is a correspondence between the humans taking the life of animals and the Christ demanding that we humans be willing to give our lives for the higher good if necessary. In this way the disciples are sacrificed to the kingdom of God just as truly as the animals are sacrificed to the human kingdom.

A good piece of advice with diet is to avoid judgment and the feeling of superiority that we see evidenced by many. Our fellow seeker may be eating meat or on some vegetarian diet because of the will of his Higher Self. If our associates are at a point where they are to change their diet they will feel it internally. Some will feel and resist, and others will follow.

Many diets are put forward as the optimum or the best possible God-given program. What do you suppose is the best possible overall diet for maximum health benefits?