2000-3-17 11:26:00
Xavier writes:
"Overall, I'm pleasantly surprised that we all are health activists here!"
Actually, it is to be expected. The first initiation requires an ability to control physical appetites, passions and a general ability to maintain the physical body in good health, with some exceptions due to karma. Almost all people who are initiates of any degree, or are approaching initiation, have a marked interest in maintaining health through harmony with nature.
There are exceptions like Winston Churchill, for instance, who was so dedicated to his mission that he did not put obvious attention on health for he drank alcohol in considerable quantities, smoked and was overweight. Nevertheless, he still had good health throughout his long life. Good health and a reasonably long life is a general characteristic of initiates, but there are exceptions to all things. Even the great Buddha had a period of illness according to the record.
Zina points out another good organic source of minerals:
"I would also recommend Maple Syrup, the real stuff, rather than honey, for it too comes from trees with deep roots and carries a greater mineral content than honey, I have been advised, and many nutrients from within the tree as well as it travels the tree."
I would be inclined to believe that maple syrup is fairly consistent in mineral content, but honey will vary much more because of the great variety of circumstances from which it is harvested.
There are two groups of people that are supposed to be proven to live long life spans. First those who eat plants grown in highly mineralized soil and secondly beekeepers. For this reason I pay particular attention to honey, bee pollen and food grown in highly mineralized soil with trace elements.
Another good source of minerals that someone mentioned earlier is wild herbs. Some of the best and richest herbs in minerals and healing properties come from the rain forests. These jungle areas have had very few of the nutrients removed from the soil and have many healing properties.
We had a guy come in our office a few weeks ago and told us about a tea he had been drinking. He had Candida for 35 years and after ten days of taking Shipibo tea all the symptoms seemed to be gone. My wife and I thought we would try it out with several other products as a general health measure and signed up as MLM members. I sent some of the tea to my daughter who has been having similar problems as our client and she happily reported a great improvement in her condition from the first day.
Information on various Rainforest products is at: http://www.rainforestbio.com/ewflorida/
Specific information on the tea is at: http://www.rainforestbio.com/30555.cfm?id=ewflorida
If you are interested in purchasing or reselling send me an e-mail with your address, and I'll send you information with a tape.
The questions:
What is a big health problem created by most apples?
No one mentioned the worst problem, even bigger than the pesticides and that is the wax put on most supermarket apples. This wax is extremely difficult for the body to eliminate and is a major cause of gallstones and other health problems.
The problem is that sometimes all supermarket apples have this wax. You can circumvent this by going directly to the farmer. Also many fruit stands carry unwaxed apples as well as some health food stores.
What are the problems with most meats?
In addition to hormones and antibiotics given to the animals, there are several other problems. First, even though they are given better food with more minerals than most humans, they still dine on plants grown in mineral depleted soil.
Another problem with beef is that in a rush to get the meat to the market they do not age the beef the way they used to which allows the enzymes to treat the meat, making it much tastier and healthier to digest.
If you eat meat and want to buy a good product you will generally have to pay more for it. You might check with a local meat shop who buys direct from nearby ranchers.
Boise is the headquarters of Albertsons Markets and they own about every grocery market here; but there is a little store down the road from me that is struggling to survive. It still sells home grown aged beef at a reasonable price and the flavor is great. I also shop at a local health food coop, and their meat is quite high priced and not all are hormone free.
E coli is a big worry for many and I've heard that the reason the risk is increasing for this and other problems is that much of the food we feed cattle and chickens contains meat from their own kind. This is like Soylent Green for animals and is somewhat revolting to think about. E coli dwells on the surface of the meat and will be destroyed with mild cooking unless the meat is ground up and in this case the bacteria can dwell within the meat. It is thus more important to cook hamburger well than the cut meats.
Cooking meat well done alters the molecular structure, and if you eat beef you are much better off to eat cut meats as rare as possible. Most people who eat well done meat develop many health problems because of it. Overcooking meat will aggravate arthritis and diseases caused by lack of elimination.
My dad grew up on well done beef and developed poisons related to his blood. His wise doctor ordered him to switch to medium rare beef. At first he hated it; but after a while he grew to love fairly rare beef much more than the well done, and his health greatly improved.
Where can you get healthy eggs?
It is difficult to get healthy eggs these days. The chickens are cooped up in inhumane conditions and are fed unhealthy meat by-products. Some grocery stores do have eggs available at double the normal price where the chickens were raised on a vegetarian diet, but even these eggs are not that good. You can tell a quality egg by the yoke. If the chickens are allowed to run free and eat from the wild, they will have darker almost orange yokes and the flavor will be about twice as good as commercial eggs.
If you buy eggs that are advertised as free range and the yoke is pale, you're not really getting what you pay for. About the only place to get really good eggs is from a small farmer who raises the chickens as a labor of love. When you find a place that sells eggs with dark yokes then you will have made a great find. Our local health coop does buy eggs from local small farmers and they go like hotcakes when they come in.
Question: Where can you buy a fairly nutritious chicken?
Not only are quality eggs difficult to find, but so is good chicken. One of the best ways to test the various brands is to note when you cut them up, the hardness of the bones. I notice a difference in the bones of the various brands of chickens and by far the strongest bones are in the free range chickens at my health food coop. In the regular grocery store I also notice a difference in the bones of the various brands, and it seems to be that the more expensive is the chicken per pound the stronger are the bones. I guess there is a reason for the higher cost.
How large of a problem is bacteria and what is the solution?
Bacteria and parasites are indeed a great problem, and often the most nutritious foods pose the greatest threat from germs. It is ironical that sometimes a person can go out of his way year after year to eat carefully to enjoy good health and then suddenly have many of the benefits wiped out through contamination.
When I was younger I used to go out of my way to visit a local company that made apple juice and buy some from them before it was pasteurized so all the enzymes would not be destroyed. Unknown to me, the company added contaminated water to the juice to make it go father and I caught a bug from it that gave me problems for years to come. In that case I would have been better off buying regular commercial juice from the store. In fact I would have been better off drinking Coke or Pepsi.
Later, as you know, my wife and I developed another problem with contaminated colloidal minerals.
Going organic is not always enough. We must make sure we get our foods from an uncontaminated source and wash all our fruits and vegetables before use. Many do not realize that sprouts develop much more bacteria than something like lettuce and these should definitely be washed before use, especially commercial sprouts. It is wise to keep your refrigerator on as low a temperature as possible without freezing your foods.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved