2000-3-12 20:21:00
Enclosed is an article used by promoters of colloidal minerals that contains some valuable information.
What's behind all this turmoil in our fruits & vegetables? Don't eat another decrepit carrot, sissy apple, or burned-out potato before you learn "The Myth of a Balanced Diet." by Richard Dennis Florida City, FL - "Balanced diet" my foot. It's a lie. And even if you're eating a balanced or healthy diet, your body almost certainly lacks vital nutrition. Even if you take vitamins, chances are your body is still starving for nutrition. You Say You Don't Believe it? Look. Recent research indicates that most people in the US have at least one hidden deficiency of a major mineral such as calcium or magnesium.... impossible? Nope. Not at all. Any deficiencies in your intake of food, water, and even oxygen are initially hard to spot. But over time, they can lead to degenerative diseases, even death. Are YOU or any of your family deficient? Take this easy survey. You may find out. Do YOU or Your Family Have a Dangerous Mineral Deficiency? Which of the following apply to you?(lf you underline 2 or more in any group, you may have the indicated deficiency) Group A: achy joints, tendency for kidney stones, heel or bone spurs, twitches, receding gums, gingivitis or phyrrhea, insomnia, spinal curvature, premenstrual distress, osteoporosis, bursitis or painful tendons, cramps (in legs at night, menstruation etc.) dental cavities, hypertension/irritability or arthritic conditions. Deficiency - Calcium. Group B: irregular heart beats, cold extremities (or simply just cold a lot) constipation, heart disease, hyperactivity. Deficiency Magnesium. Group C. pale and anemic, chronic tiredness, recurrent yeast infections/candida, family history of cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, cancer, heart disease or problems, cataracts, liver problems, strict vegetarian diet no milk, eggs or meat), muscular weakness or unbalance, low resistance to infection, smoking habit, residence in a humid high rainfall climate. Deficiency - Selenium. Group D: chronic tiredness, dizziness upon standing, frequent urination, always or never thirsty, impotence, infertility, menstrual distress, liver problems (digestion difficulty), alcoholism, family history of Alzheimer's, hypoglycemia or diabetes, kidney failure. Deficiency * Chromium and/or Vanadium Group E: premature graying of the hair, anemia, wrinkles, sagging skin, thin skin, family history of aneurysm, liver cirrhosis, arthritic conditions. Deficiency - Copper. Group F: tendency to get infections, a cold or flu every year, your residence in polluted urban area, shallow breathing, tendency to be anxious or nervous. achy muscles a long time after working out, poor short term memory, severe headaches, bruises take a long time to heal, smoking, a sealed house or office with AC/Heat year round. Deficiency-Oxygen.
Minerals Before Vitamins? Yes. Lacking vitamins, the body can use minerals. But without minerals, vitamins are worthless. You may think you're getting your minerals in a "balanced diet", but think again (And listen to the tape "Dead Doctors Don't Lie".) Chances are it you're not supplementing your diet, you're one of the 95 percent of Americans lacking in at least one major mineral. Back in 1936 - almost 60 years ago, US Senate Document 264 lamented the lack of nutrition in our food. It's worse now. How'd we get in this predicament? How Our Ancestors Died In the early 1800's. American began to cross the Great Plains. What you don't know is that they never just settled in one place. Every three to five years, they'd have to pick up and move. They'd start a little farm in Kansas or Nebraska, with a milk cow, a couple pigs, some sheep and a few kids. And after 3-5 years, one of the kids would die. Dad would get consumption. The cow would dry up. The tomato plants wouldn't grow more than a foot and wouldn't make tomatoes. So they were about to starve. And if they made It through the winter, they'd throw all their belongings in a wagon and move a hundred miles west. And they'd set up again. And in 3-5 years, another child would die. And Ms. would get consumption this winter. Tomato plants wouldn't grow higher than a foot. Wouldn't make tomatoes. The cow would dry up. If they survived the winter, they'd throw everything in the wagon and they'd move west again. This Land Is Leached Land The sod was being depleted. Crops took minerals out of the soil, nothing put them back in. How did you beat that cycle? Own a piece of bottom land. Wealthy farmers owned the bottom land. When it flooded, they'd get new topsoil and silt and nutrition to the soil from hundreds of miles upstream. So if you were lucky enough to have a piece of bottom land, you didn't have to move. Why? Because the fertilizer would come to you.
But it you were out on the prairie with no rivers, every 3-5 years you'd pick up and move. Otherwise your whole family would starve to death. There'd be nothing left. So by this process...repeated tens of thousands of times over the last 200 years...the settlers were actually strip-mining the nutrients from the soils. And if there are no nutrients in the soil, there's no way your tomatoes or carrots or apples or potatoes can have nutrients in them. Don't be Fooled By Technology Commercial fertilizer came on the market about 1900. Problem solved? Not hardly. Next time you go to your garden center, look closely at the ingredients in that fertilizer. Nitrogen, Phosphorous, & Potassium (NPK). That's it...nothing more. Why? Well, no matter the kind of plant, whether potatoes, okra, corn, wheat, eggplants, carrots, or broccoli or whatever, NPK fertilizer is all you need to get the maximum yield per acre. That's the only nutrition plants need. And that's all the farmer gives them. But don't blame him ... if he put a bunch of other minerals on the soil, his wheat would cost an extra 25? a bushel ... and nobody would buy it. He'd be out of business. So think about this. It takes 3-5 years to exhaust the soil. And we didn't start fertilizing until about 1900. So we've been putting NPK into the soil for 93 years. Which means that for 88+ years, the soil has been exhausted except for what the plants absolutely need. What Tomatoes Can't Do For You Fact is animals and human beings require somewhere between 45 & 60 minerals, 12 essential amino acids, 16+ vitamins, 3 essential fatty acids, about 90 total nutrients. And for 88 years, only 3 have been put into the soil We know that plants can make amino acids they can make most vitamins, and they can make different amounts of essential fatty acids. But nothing can make a mineral. That's one definition of an element or mineral. They cannot be created or destroyed. Does this begin to concern you a little bit? It did concern me when I realized it. For 93 years, we've only been putting NPK into the soil. It takes only 3-5 years to exhaust what animals and people need. We NEED those minerals. Plant's can't make them. So were does this stuff come from?
What Vitamin Crowds Never Tells You When you take a vitamins/mineral tablet, you're taking in what is called "metallic minerals." You only absorb 8-12% of these metallic minerals. The rest passes through you. Talk to a chiropractor who x-rays patients. He'll tell you what he sometimes sees lined up in the small intestines. WHOLE vitamin & mineral tablets. Like little boxcars, taking a big, long ride through the intestines, on the way out. How much good does that do you? But that's what often happens. And remember: before you can use even the normal 8-12% of a metallic mineral, the WHOLE mineral must be broken down by your body. And that's asking a lot of a body unless it's already in top shape. So the health food industry had a problem. And in the late 70's they developed chelated minerals, wrapping amino acids or protein around the minerals to help the body metabolize them. Which gets you around 40% absorption. Keep in mind ... metallic minerals (also known as elemental minerals of salts) come from oyster shell, calcium carbonate, lime stone, clay, sea salts. All in their metallic form. And supposedly too much of some of these elements can have toxic effects on your body. Human beings are NOT meant to absorb them or to use them. But whether your tablets are chelated or not, that's where your minerals come from. A 70 Million-Year-Old Gold Mine But there is another form of minerals available in the product Mineral Toddy (MT). Nearly everybody, especially so-called experts, misunderstands the minerals you get in Mineral Toddy and Ultra Toddy (UT, the vitamin-added formula). They don't come from rocks & soil They're neither metallic nor salts. The Toddy minerals come from humic shale. What's that? Well, it's prehistoric plant life in its concentrated form. The Toddy was first discovered on a Utah mountain top, and sold in 1926 as "Clarks Mineral Water." Humm-m-m, almost 70 years ago. So we're not talking about some brand-new, unproved product. Today, Toddy is STILL mined on that mountain, from a 70-million-year-old humic shale deposit. The air was full of oxygen back then not like today. Some trees grew 25 feet A YEAR! The earth was a nutrient-rich environment. No farmers repeatedly strip-mining the soil 70 million years ago. What you DID have was Brontosaurus. He ate lots of Toddy back when it was in plant form. And you know how big HE got.
The Hidden Key To Your Family's Health So how did mineral get into the plants back then? Of course, they came from soil & rock. But they were transferred to plants through the process of photosynthesis. And THAT made them colloidal. Which is our key work for today. Comparing colloidal minerals to rock and shell-based minerals is like comparing filet mignon to gristle. Colloidal minerals have a negative electrical charge And each particle is hundreds of times smaller than a metallic mineral. The colloidals stay suspended in water rather than going into solution because of the negative charge and their size/weight ratio. Expert chemists say the reason colloidals are NON toxic is their plant or vegetable source and their negative electrical charge. For example, iodine in colloidal form is essential for human cells. And this is really interesting: if you drank even 2 or 3 grains of free iodine, it would kill you. But in colloidal form, it's not only harm less, it's beneficial. Same for arsenic, lead, aluminum, and other minerals considered toxic. Colloidal are the smallest particles that matter can be divided into while still keeping individual characteristics. They range from 0.01 millionths of an inch to 10 millionths of an inch in size. The smaller ones can't be seen with ANY microscope. And because of their small size, they have an enormous surface area. Which gives 'em special properties of absorption into your body, as opposed to rock and shell-based minerals. One teaspoon of colloidals can have a total surface area of over 127 acres. That's billions of electrically charged minerals. Of course, some soil has the same number of minerals. BUT - being metallic - their particles are hundreds or thousands of times larger And they're positively-charged. Makes a big difference. You can't absorb them. If you're starving and you eat some soil, you'd get no nourishment. Your body just can't convert them. Only a plant can take soil out of the earth, run it through the processor. and make stuff that your body can use.
So Do Your Blood a Favor Colloidal minerals are truly the most efficient way to get your minerals. You absorb 98% of them. They're liquid. They're small particle size. To give you a comparison, a red blood cell is 7 microns or less. So that's 1/7000 the size of a red blood cell. And that's how we move minerals around in our body - through our blood. And that's how we store them in our cells. The negative charge means they stay in solution or suspension. They don't settle out. Very, very absorbable. So obviously if you're going to spend money for minerals, you want to get the highest value for your dollar. Plus, if s a lot easier to get kids to take the liquid Toddy than those big horse pills. And most of the kids' products don't contain minerals anyway Read the label. Maybe they have one mineral. Or five, Fifteen tops. And the other 40+ minerals humans need? Not there. In fact, you don't get the minerals or the balanced nutrition you and your family need to help manage stress and stay vital. #1 Mineral Toddy: Power Unleashed MT has 7 major and 65 trace minerals which go into instant action in your body. They're so potent that a gallon of MT can supply two years' worth of minerals obtained from the average diet. Known as Clark's Mineral Water since the 20's and "Body Toddy" in the 80's, MT is natures original, unaltered, time-proven formula. It's non-toxic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal. MT has passed stringent health and safety tests. Attesting to power of Mineral Toddy: It's sold under a US Dept. of Health and Human Resources Legal Consent Decree .... the only such government approval issued for a nutritional product. (Consent decrees usually only necessary for certain power drugs.) Summary: The Extraordinary Toddies 1. They give you what you used lo think you got from your vegetables. Our depleted soils have been strip-mined for 100+ years. They no longer contain the minerals and salts necessary to sustain proper health. Senate document 264 states that 99% of the American people are deficient in these minerals, and that a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease. Note: The author is a reporter, not a doctor. These facts and opinions are expressed under the First Amendment of the US Constitution, granting the right to discuss openly and freely all matters of public concern, and to express viewpoints, no matter how controversial or unaccented they are. Certain persons considered experts may disagree with certain statements here. This information is for educational use only. You should not use it in any way, shape or manner in substitute for your personal physician.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved