2000-3-10 18:56:00
As far as the Twelfth Planet goes I started reading that book at one time and could not get into it. There may be some truth there, but I didn't feel drawn by great light.
For those of you who have read it can you tell me if this planet is supposed to be currently populated? If so how do they survive when the temperature on the surface would be 400 degrees below zero?
I was drawn to the writings of Velikovsky and believe that he has discovered many hints of real truth. By the way, Velikovsky did not see the visiting planet as coming from beyond the orbit of Pluto, but he says we have been visited by both Mars and Venus and Venus passed by our earth as it left an orbit as a moon around Jupiter.
He increased his credibility by successfully predicting the makeup of the atmosphere of Venus before our spacecraft arrived there to take readings.
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