2000-3-5 21:26:00
The Question: "Why would it be that even though there is a number to all things that you or I could never find the end of the real creations of God, even in our imagination?
"Several of you are on the right track but perhaps it is time to add another hint.
"Could the intelligence incorporated in Windows 95 discover or run the new features in Windows 98? Yet the intelligence which is DOS can share in them both."
Your answers on this are all worthy of consideration, and they shed greater light on the full picture. A gold star goes to Glenys on supplying us with a dose of humor. Nevertheless, I will add some comments.
Your essence is like DOS and this existed as an idea in the mind of God before time was created. Your growth since time began for you is like moving from pure DOS to Windows 95 then on to 98 and finally attempting to create a program that is relatively perfect. In this relatively perfect state you would not crash and all commands would flow and function without glitches. If any problem seems to be developing on the horizon, you have the power to self correct before any disaster occurs.
Because your essence is an idea in the mind of God, or, in other words, you are part of that which God has imagined, then it would be impossible for you to out imagine God. That which has been imagined cannot out imagine that which imagined him. The computer program cannot write another program of a higher order than the programmer who imagined and created it.
So let's put it this way. Can you imagine another solar system like this with an earth-like planet? God has already imagined such a thing and created it.
Can you imagine a world out there in the galaxy peopled with beings of light living in perfect love and peace? God has already imagined this and it already exists.
Can you imagine another world full of darkness far beyond that of the earth populated by beings we would deem as demons? God has already imagined and created it.
Can you imagine other dimensions out there? God has already imagined and created them.
Can you imagine a universe beyond this one? God has already imagined and created it.
No matter what you imagine you cannot out imagine God. To us God is infinite, but in the higher reality He/She/It is merely unlimited; and Its creations are beyond our capacity to even imagine, even though they are all numbered and known to God. As reflections of God our mission is to imitate Him and extend His work through first imagining a thing and then creating and perfecting it.
We have basically used this Law of Correspondences in just one line of thought over the past few weeks and in doing so have apparently solved some of the mysteries of the universe that have eluded scientists and religious thinkers for thousands of years. The direction and knowledge we have gained thereby, shows the power of this Law and why even the highest Masters still use it in their own discovery.
We could probably spend the next ten years discovering truth using just this law. In fact, we may to a degree. From hereon out we will be making mention of this Law as we move ahead in this course. Wherever truth appears along the path, we will see that next to soul contact, the Law of Correspondences will be right there as a verification for the mind.
We have basically concluded that this Law can be of great help in the discovery of the truth, but how about the reverse? Can it also help us in the discovery of error? When we have power to discover error we are then aided through the process of elimination, as mentioned earlier.
Let us pick a popular belief and see how it lines up with the Law of Correspondences. The Second Coming of Christ is a good one. Many believe that in the end times (which are supposed to be about now) the world will become very wicked. To protect the righteous, God will rapture them into heaven completely off the earth.
Christ will come back in his wrath. He will appear in the sky, visible to every person on earth, having great armies of angels. Then he will send down fire to consume all who have not confessed a particular scripted belief in God and Christ. Afterwards, the raptured earthlings will float down to the earth and Christ will turn it into a paradise that these righteous born againers will inherit for eternity.
Now let us apply the Law of Correspondences to this belief. Does it fit? Why not?
PS: Rick, I will answer your question shortly.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved