Seeing Correspondences

2000-1-1 03:40:00

"Matter is the lowest point of spirit. Spirit is being manifested by matter. But evolution is being entering a new phase when the threshold is being crossed and spirit is no longer manifested by matter alone or as much as by spirit itself. We are entering a phase of seeing God face to face.

"What is observed by the human eye is very deluding. We cannot see more than mere appearances. When we deal with laws we cannot use uncertain facts."

What is thought to be perceived by the spiritual eye is often even more deluding. Just visit a dozen or so New Age or religious sites and read their spiritual communications. Some tell us that spaceships will be landing in the next year or so. Others say that the earth is passing into the 16th dimension. Still others say that DK is speaking to them even though he said he would not give more teachings until 2025. Then we have Benjamin Creme claiming that the Christ is now on the earth somewhere in Europe, but only speaks through him. Most of these deluded presentations tell us to pay no attention to what our own eyes and reason tells us.

The fact is that those who do take that which they can reasonably perceive to be true, and then apply the Law of Correspondences to what they know, are establishing a much more accurate path of discovery of truth than those who disregard the physical reality and rely only on Spirit. We hear the phrase "trust me" a lot from these potential Jim Joneses.

Those who are beginning the search for truth cannot just jump into pure spiritual knowing but must proceed in increments "line upon line, precept upon precept" as Isaiah so adequately stated.

The greatest deluders are the forces of Maya, glamour and illusion. As these are mastered, the use of reason in connection with the Law of Correspondences applied to physical can reveal much. Then discovery in connection with Spirit and intuition naturally follows. The reason for this is that the physical is a reflection of the spiritual, so even though we may not be aware of all things spiritual, much light can be thrown on the higher vibration by corresponding it to the lower.

"God is the macrocosm. He uses his own macrocosmic blueprint as the image by which to create all creatures. A correspondence is found between God's macrocosmic blueprint in relation to man as microcosm and the blueprint of man as macrocosm in relation to cells in his body as microcosm. Evolution starts with involution and microcosm begins with macrocosm."

Scientifically speaking the word macrocosm is usually used to refer to worlds higher than that occupied by man such as an entire solar system, galaxy or universe. The higher physical macrocosm certainly is not a blueprint for the creation of mankind. The human being, for instance, does not look much like a galaxy.

If by macrocosm you are referring to the higher spiritual worlds you may have a point. All creations which appear in physical reality are created first in the spiritual worlds and evolve from there.

"Without man there would be no human cells. The cells are the way they are because they are form vested with human life infused by the attractive power of the soul. The cells cannot evolve without the initiative of the soul working on all parts of the human being as a whole."

Single celled life lived on the earth long before humans showed up and about 90% of their DNA corresponds to that which is in human cells today.

From the time that the first one-celled lives appeared to the most advanced, which is human, there has only been a fine tuning process going on. The one-celled lives evolved on the physical plane until they became multi-celled creatures and so on up the line until we get to human. Soul energy worked upon the earth through cell organization long before the self-aware human manifested in physical form.

"One can easily see the consequences if a separative perspective was adopted in applying the law of correspondences as regards the unobservable spirit and the observable matter and as a result the visible body would be looked at, all by itself without reference to the invisible life in it. This separative approach is caused by using perceptions of the rational mind without consulting intuitions of the soul."

I think that everyone on the list understands that spirit and soul must always be considered in relation to humanity and all lives and forms in this reality. I will add this however, that the rational mind is often overlooked as one of the doorways to the world of intuition and Spirit. One cannot develop the full powers of the intuition unless he first masters the powers of the mind and its power to reason and see logic correspondences.

The introduction in each one of the Alice A. Bailey books tells us that the mind is the plane "whereon the masters may be found." One of the titles the inhabitants of the Kingdom of God go by is "Masters of Wisdom." Wisdom is gained by reflection and making the full use of the mind as a two-way mirror between the worlds by the use of the Law of Correspondences.

There is one point that all successful lives have in common. They use their highest reasoning based on what they do know and understand; not by what they do not understand. If a person believes in a higher world and higher knowledge, but does not have the foundation or capacity to verify the higher things, then he must make decisions by the highest that he does know in reasonable surety. If he does not he is likely to find himself following some guru to meet the Master Zor who will shuttle him off to the Mother Ship.