2000-2-22 00:06:00
How can I refuse to comment on Zina's post when she's fallen in love with my mind? That tickles me considering the rocky beginning we had. If we can harmonize maybe there's hope for Sterling and me after all.
I remember when you left the list on several occasions in frustration with me I had a feeling that a seed had been planted in you that you just couldn't bring yourself to cast it away. Because you did not uproot it and reflected from time to time it began to grow and this kept bringing you back. In fact I remember making a definite prediction to the list you would be back. Now I'm sure you still do not believe everything I teach, but the growing seed within you is causing you to pay attention and reflect more seriously on my words than before.
I once told you that I felt a trickle down effect from the love you mentioned in your postings, but now that we are both opening some of the same valves I feel a real interplay with you in the spiritual realms. This illustrates that for a full registration of love there must be a giving and receiving from both ends.
For instance, I love Sterling as a brother and I am sure he loves me as much as one can who sees another as under the influence of the Devil, but if the barriers of giving and receiving could be removed there could be an interplay that would cause the angels to shed tears of joy. So even though we are both as capable of love as the next guy, the love of God cannot interplay in fullness. I would hope that day may come for us in this life rather than the next.
Anyway, Zina, I am enjoying having the barriers of sending and receiving come down between us and hope to make the best of it. Keep in mind that it is entirely possible that I will say something tomorrow that may try your faith and patience to the extreme, but for today, let us smell the roses.
You commented on the animal lives within us and mentioned the American Indians in this regard. Yes, they do instinctively sense this truth. This is one of the reasons they often gave themselves animal names and even used animals' images for healing.
Zina: "I wonder if there is a key word search into her information as well."
JJ: Probably the best one you can use is the phrase: "previous solar system." DK uses this 37 times. A good project for someone would be to gather all the good information from these searches and post them for us.
Zina: "This so tied in with Stephen Hawking's very scientific view of the mother giving birth to daughter universes and the mother universe actually becomes a closed universe, unchanging in his understanding."
JJ: This may have a correspondence, but a solar system is just a very small part of an island universe (a galaxy) or a universe of galaxies. A solar system is merely one sun with a system of planets. The previous incarnation of our sun and planets was a previous sun and planets vibrating to a different key and color frequencies.
When this ancient system finished its life the form returned to its quiescent state and billions of years later was reborn as our current little star system about three quarters of the way from the center of the Milky Way.
Zina: (quoting JJ): "'...we lived as composite units through the 21 minor centers that still exist within our bodies.' Perhaps it is no wonder I so loved the 21 ohms I did for many years, as could it be possible these still exist within the female being??"
JJ: They still exist in all of us. The following is a tabulation given by DK.
"The etheric body is a body composed entirely of lines of force and of points where these lines of force cross each other and thus form (in crossing) centres of energy. Where many such lines of force cross each other, you have a larger centre of energy, and where great streams of energy meet and cross, as they do in the head and up the spine, you have seven major centres. There are seven such, plus twenty-one lesser centres and forty-nine smaller centres known to the esotericists. However, we will confine ourselves at this time to the etheric body as a whole and to the seven major centres. It might be of interest to you, nevertheless, to be told where the twenty-one minor centres are to be found. They can be located at the following points:
"There are two of them in front of the ears close to where the jaw bones are connected. There are two of them just above the two breasts. There is one where the breast bones meet, close to the thyroid gland. This, with the two breast centres, makes a triangle of force. There are two, one each in the palms of the hands. There are two, one each in the soles of the feet. There are two, just behind the eyes. There are two also connected with the gonads. There is one close to the liver. There is one connected with the stomach; it is related, therefore, to the solar plexus, but is not identical with it. There are two connected with the spleen. These form one centre in reality, but such a centre is formed by the two being superimposed one on the other. There are two-one at the back of each knee. There is one powerful centre which is closely connected with the vagus nerve. This is most potent and is regarded by some schools of occultism as a major centre; it is not in the spine, but is no great distance from the thymus gland. There is one which is close to the solar plexus, and relates it to the centre at the base of the spine, thus making a triangle of the sacral centre, the solar plexus, and the centre at the base of the spine.
"The two triangles referred to in this tabulation are of real importance. One is above and the other below the diaphragm."
Zina: "This is so interesting JJ... (the fact that the first solar system was Third Ray and this one Second Ray) so from this level with the manifestation of a new life form, will that be upon the foundation energy of the First Ray??"
JJ: There will be some First Ray (the Ray of Power) manifest, but all forms and life in this system have the purpose of manifesting Divine Love. In the near future we will see more First Ray demonstrated than ever before in recorded history, but all the First Ray influence we will perceive will be within the context of one of the seven sub rays of the major Second Ray of Love.
Zina: "So do the Solar angels thus create the next foundation energy system, say for the future the first ray, by incarnating here and creating from here that future system??"
JJ: A common name for the Solar Angel is the Higher Self. Eventually your perfected self will fuse with your Higher Self and evolve through all the higher spheres together as this solar system dies. Then in ages and ages hence a new solar system will come into incarnation on the First Ray of Will-Power-Purpose. In that far future age your new and improved Higher Self will reflect again and nurture its new born baby - a new and improved version of you.
In this system the Higher Self teaches and guides us through the knowledge and impulse of Love. But in that future system Love will be known, and the connection with the Higher Self will be much more direct. We shall walk in that system as gods compared to this one. Power will become manifested beyond our imagination at this time. There are principles where power can be exercised that our imagination is not even capable of perceiving at present. We must perceive where and how power can be used before power can be desired or sought.
Zina: "So those that had not progressed and ended up here, would they be what is termed the 'laggards' that came here, not originally from here??"
JJ There has been teachings circulated that many of the problem people here are laggards from other solar systems. This is not exactly true. The real laggards are from the previous incarnation of this system, not from other current solar systems.
Generally each solar system takes care of their own problem children with one major exception. There are cases where an initiate came very close to choosing the Dark Path and in taking a detour he developed some very heavy karma. His debt was so great that it was difficult for the entity to pay off what he owed in his system as it leans toward the ways of peace. In this case the reformed brother is in need of a more turbulent world where he will be able to perform the needed service.
Some of our greatest teachers and leaders on this planet are these entities who are now centered on the Spirit, but are obligated to give a great service before they can obtain liberation. They are not laggards, but advanced souls with a debt to pay. Abraham Lincoln was one of these.
Zina: "So would it be true to say, that in this second group of initiates (from the previous solar system) are those that have already overcome death in some other system, and thus would be termed 'masters' by our expression here..."
JJ: Not exactly. Those who are Masters here on this earth have become one with their higher Self and are linked molecularly. What we know as a Master today did not even exist in that previous system. High initiates there mastered form whereas current Masters are also masters of love and wisdom.
Let me give a hearty welcome back to Geoffrey who asks: "Are the Jews of today all reincarnated from the Jews of yesterday, all the way back to Moses, or even their previous planet? If not, then they have no more right to call themselves a Jew as anyone else."
JJ: Many of the Jews who seem stuck in the ways of the past belong to this group of laggards mentioned earlier and will often incarnate into the Jewish race. However, many of the Jews from the time of Jesus have incarnated into the Mormon church and some of the Jewish leaders from that time are leaders in the Mormon church today. It is interesting that the Mormons even have their own dead sea, a symbol of their dead works.
Glenys brings up this quoting me: "Your lower centers are composed of refined animal type lives who are seeking to be one in consciousness with you.
"There are two major parts of yourself which are composed of two groups of lives that we all can identify with - the heart and the head. We can tell they are two lives because they have two wills as I pointed out previously."
Glenys: "I would have said the heart and the head are higher rather than lower centres."
JJ: The head and heart are higher centers. I was changing subjects here. When I mentioned the heart and the head I was not referring to just two centers, but the two major divisions of our centers and our being. We can all identify with the feeling and thinking parts of ourselves as being two parts of ourselves common to all.
Glenys: 'But that aside, are the lives which comprise the heart and the head (to use your examples) the same in each individual i.e. from the same animal 'family'?"
JJ: The animal lives generally make up the lower four centers and they will be different combinations for different entities.
Glenys: "Some people are more cerebral than other while some have more 'heart', for example. Are these differences a reflection of different life forms or just variations on the same theme?"
JJ: Our differences are created by many differing causes - our past decisions, our bodies, and the ray and astrological influences. The subject is too vast to cover in detail here.
Glenys: "JJ, how are these animal lives organized in us to produce individuals i.e. How are they melded with our genetic structures, karmic patterns etc."
JJ: It is a combination of molecular order and fusion. We shall talk more about the principle of fusion at some future date.
Glenys: "When we die and the etheric body dissipates, what happens to these lives? Do they just go back into some kind of storehouse to be used another time?"
JJ: You answered your own question here. We leave them behind when entering the spirit world and assume a new, but similar, group of lives in a future incarnation. Sometimes we will take many of them with us to a future life, but not necessarily all.
Glenys: "At what stage do they become one in consciousness with us? When we achieve soul contact? As the onus is on us to form contact with higher lives, I assume the onus is on the animal lives within us to achieve consciousness with their human 'hosts'? So we don't have to do anything to assist, except 'be there'?"
JJ: You are on the right track here. Your solar plexus center, for example is composed of ten petals which slowly unfold. These are ten lesser lives making a greater life. As each of these ten lives contact and merge with the higher self which is you they unfold like a flower. When all ten unfold then the greater life or molecule of ten become a greater life, but still a part of you. This has the effect of stimulating your consciousness and moving you into experiencing new feelings.
The higher centers are stimulated by your higher self and are largely composed of lesser angel lives.
Glenys: "Do individuals manifest characteristics of one or two predominant animal life forms (totems) and can groups and nations manifest them in a similar manner? Do they help to 'protect' us as many believe?"
JJ: Good question. I'll try and get to this later. It's past my bedtime.
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