2000-2-21 11:41:00
I do not believe I have commented on the following question yet:
"Zina and others have talked about the importance of union in order to create the Molecular order. But the question is do we have to be perfect as individuals to make this happen? If not how good or close to perfection do we have to be? What is required of us as individuals if we are to begin so great a task?"
We have talked quite a bit about perfection in the past. Let me just make a quote from a previous post:
There are three Greek words translated as "perfect in the Bible. The two main ones are TELEIOO and AKRIBELA. AKRIBELA is the one equivalent to the way we use "perfect" in our English, especially the way people talk about God. However, in the Bible AKRIBELA was used in a negative way to describe those who crucified Jesus. The religious people of his day believed in AKRIBELA.
The scripture "Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect" is a mistranslation in almost every Bible available because the illusion of perfection is so important for the religious world to maintain.
In this scripture "perfect" is mistranslated from TELEIOO which means "Complete, finish and puts forth the idea of finishing a job or goal that you have." Now let's translate this verse correctly as Jesus meant it: "Therefore finish (or complete) the work you are given to do even as your Father in Heaven completes His."
Isn't the true rendering the more practical advice?
The scriptures do not teach us to be perfect as the word is understood today. Even God is not called perfect. Instead we are told that God works at His job until it is successfully completed and we are to do the same.
When an artist paints a great work of art, he makes many mistakes between the beginning and the end. But when the work is finished, and the artist sees the work is beautiful, he forgets about all the mistakes in the past and enjoys basking in his completed (TELEIOO) work.
Many people wait until they are near perfection in learning before they will begin a new project. This often causes not only a waste of time but also many missed opportunities. I have found the best way to learn is on the job. Just plunge in and do, and learn as you go. Fear is a much greater threat to success than an imperfect or unprepared start is.
So do those who create the first molecule have to be perfect? No, far from it. Are there any requirements then? Yes, of course. You do not have to be perfect, but, on the other hand, one cannot be a successful receiver of Spiritual Flow if he is centered on the lower self or caught up in glamour.
A good item to study, as far as qualities desired, would be the qualities of the disciple that we discussed earlier. Meanwhile I will list several attributes necessary for the individuals involved to make a molecule work.
(1) Soul contact so, when there are disagreements, all can reach the soul together and receive the same answer and agree as one.
(2) Reasonable mastery of Maya, glamour and illusion so the soul is reached instead of astral force.
(3) A willingness to follow that which comes through the soul even when it goes against personality wishes.
(4) A sense of mission and desire to serve others as much or more than the self.
(5) A willingness to follow the path of high resistance when necessary.
(6) Good imagination, desire to experiment and willingness to let go of the old and take on the new.
(7) Genuine goodwill to all people and a cultivation of the spirit of Love.
(8) All should be willing to say the Song of the 144,000 as one voice.
Others could be listed but this will supply seed thoughts.
The next question:
"Do you identify with this parable? Have you allowed the seed of these teachings to be planted and if so what happened?
"In a line or two what do we call this principle of discovery?"
I enjoyed your accounts of how this parable has worked in your life. Many of you have demonstrated that it is indeed a true concept.
I particularly like Margaret's statement that: "plants can only grow in the light." On the other hand, we must keep in mind they begin their life by sprouting in darkness. When we begin our quest for discovery we often grope in darkness and must test a direction of which we are unsure. But if we do not at least move somewhere then the seed will die. The seed must take in the moisture and move toward where the light seems to be before the sureness of the light can be felt.
You also gave some good names for this principle and some of them may be as good as my selection here. I believe we are up to principle number 12.
(12) The principle of planting and harvesting.
This certainly does require faith as Rick said, but the great part of this principle is that it is demonstrated wherever there is life.
Someone brought up the idea that bad seeds can grow also. This seems to go against this idea we are presenting. Can a person use this principle of acceptance and belief and then grow a bad seed? If belief does not nurture bad seeds what does?
Zina and others - I'll get to your questions soon.
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