2000-2-18 18:27:00
Sterling writes: "There is a huge difference between the small case (new age) and the large case (New Age) meanings of these words. You know very well that your definition comes from the small case instance and not the large case title and is not definition of the New Age (large case) generally accepted in the world. You can redefine things to make them sound benign, but don't be surprised that people still associate the term with what is commonly understood regarding it."
JJ: Either upper or lower case works for me. Why do you have such a problem with the core meaning? Are you consciously trying to create contention? Just as a Christian can be defined in many different ways (positive and negative), but the core meaning is "a follower of Christ," even so the core meaning of a New Ager is just as self-explanatory - one who looks forward to a new and better age. This includes a wide variety of people from many Christians to groups expecting spaceships to land and usher in an age of peace. If you believe Mormon scriptures you are obviously a new ager also. So criticizing new agers as a general bunch is criticizing yourself.
Sterling: "Lenin and Stalin were masters of such doublespeak. They talked about establishing world peace, though amongst their own they meant world "piece," (I get this piece and you get this piece)."
JJ: If you accuse me of doublespeak on the order of big brothers one more time I think I will ask Susan to walk across the street there and shake you. I do not know how I can make my single speech any plainer than I have. A new ager is called a new ager because he sees a coming new age, single thought many branches.
If you need a word to fight against that pertains to us, use the word "metaphysics." But of course you would also have to include the prophet Einstein if you put us in this box. I am sure that if I descended into a dark accusatory mindset I could find much in your writings that could be accused of Big Brother doublespeak.
Considering Baer, you say he is a major new age player, but none of us here ever heard of him before you brought him up. Believe me; I have heard of the major players here. From descriptions of his new age books his writings sound like a rehash of thousands of other books that present nebulous feel good teachings and channelings.
It wouldn't matter to me if the Ancient of Days himself fell from grace. That would not change the truth that the Holy Spirit has revealed to me. Outward ups and downs do not change the inward kingdom of God.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved