2000-2-17 18:00:00
Blayne writes: "The revelations of God come to those individuals that seek them, not through a 3rd party. For any time Israel has sought to put a man between them and God to receive the word of God for them it was given to a wicked generation and has led to destruction. As Moses and Joseph Smith said 'would to God all men were Prophets'. Love Blayne
"JJ Dewey wrote: If the light and knowledge presented here is not in alignment with the Purpose of God, then where are the revelations from Him? Do you have them, or did God fall asleep with the death of Joseph Smith?"
JJ: I agree that "The revelations of God come to those individuals that seek them." But if you receive a revelation that I have not received then you become a third party. Does that nullify the veracity of your revelation and make it any less true? Jesus, Joseph Smith and Paul were third parties who received revelation that are available for us. I notice that you use and accept these third parties.
"Unto whom much is given much is expected." When one receives higher knowledge or ability he is expected to share it and help others achieve all that he has accomplished. The very name of Jesus Christ means "anointed to deliver," thus if we take upon ourselves this sacred name we do become a third party for others to a degree. We then seek to be a servant to our brothers and sisters, and help to deliver them from the disadvantage of the picture with missing pieces by sharing the knowledge of the more completed picture. They can then use the eyes of the soul to discern whether or not the new vision of the picture is correct.
I thank God every day for the third parties who have taught me, but they do not in any way take away from my free will in seeking any knowledge or soul confirmation I desire. Now what is indeed in error is for a third party to take the place of God in a persons mind so he will not seek his own revelation and soul confirmation on revelations which have already been received. I'm sure we both agree on this.
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