
2000-2-17 11:16:00

Thanks for the good news on Sharon, Zina. Please give her our warmest regards. Once again I thank you on behalf of all of us for keeping us informed. We miss her as a sweet seasoning for this list. We also hope you are doing better.

Now let's take a little time with Rick's thoughts: "So, when JJ asks who or what incarnates into the molecule, I'm asking myself, why are we back-tracking to the question that is asked in books 1 and 2, that was covered even before we came to the Keys List?"

Actually, we haven't covered this angle yet. In The Immortal we learned that the key word was Decision and that power within us that makes decision is our essence, or at least our essence as far as the foundation principle of ourselves as individual living entities. I do not believe we have talked about the manifestation of the unique entity (that occupies the Molecule) in the previous posts either.

Rick: "Could I really have done this. Lost myself in the larger group. Is it insolent of me to think I am a higher life form?"

JJ: Higher than what? As humans we are not the highest, but neither are we the lowest. But through the Oneness principle we can have access and identification with lives much higher than we are.

Rick: "Now the confusion, in my mind is this; I know my body's parts, by name. I can direct my consciousness into my hands, my feet, maybe all the way down to the cellular and mineral level. But, if I reverse it and go upward in kingdoms, I have no way to identify the forms."

JJ: We are going into territory that has not been covered by Bailey or anyone else I have read. The molecular lives do not have names that I know of. It is quite possible that a name for them would be meaningless, except the name of Jesus Christ which is the name of all those who seek to lift their fellow lives up to a higher level. These entities are on a totally different order than is human and is a higher correspondence of a crystal, just as humans are a higher correspondent to atoms. Technically, we could call it a crystalline life within a human molecule.

We will not carry on conversations with it like we would another human, but it's main purpose in manifestation is to be a conductor of the purpose, power and will of God. What about love you say? That part comes from us. We are to take the power of God and transmute it into loving service.

Rick: "I need a chart, naming the various levels of organized life. I know we have names like Molecule and master molecule, etc., but these don't seem like good names for living beings. Do they have other names, or do we have to come up with some?"

JJ: First you must keep in mind that we know very little about this new life form - only what we can pick up intuitively or from what little was written by the Apostles. Because it manifests in a spirit of oneness, it may not see itself as separate enough from us to have a name. Perhaps each molecule will come up with various names for the higher entities.

Rick: "We need a glossary of terms, used by our school. I was taught that the etheric, astral and physical are three separate planes, but here we call them only two."

JJ: The etheric and the physical are closely interlinked and shortly after the physical dies, the etheric dissipates. As DK says, the physical body is not built on a principle, but illusion. The real principle behind the physical is in the etheric body. The Masters see the etheric as the real physical body. They are able to walk through physical walls because they understand this.

The astral realm has the same relationship with the mental plane. The mental plane is built on real principles and the astral is an upside down reflection of mind and is not, from a higher point of view, real. Thus in the worlds of form we have only two planes created from true principles: The etheric plane and the mental plane. However, when the average man dies and goes to the astral world it will seem as real to him as the physical does here.

Rick: "I was taught that the next three life forms, above human, were called angelic, arch-angelic and celestial, but I don't know what we call them here."

JJ: The angel lives are an entire kingdom, or even kingdoms from a higher point of view, and have many grades of lives therein. Now the Bible makes the understanding of the angel kingdom difficult because the word for angel there means "messenger" and sometimes refers to humans or advanced humans from the other side of the veil.

In addition, there are several kingdoms of Angels who have evolved within their sphere independent of the human and those who correspond to human on their level will eventually become human. The angel or deva evolution varies from very simple lives to very powerful ones, and in the new age we will learn how to better communicate with them and use their services, and they ours.

Rick: "It would help me if we all spoke the same language. Is there an Alice B. book that would tell me these things or can we just cover it here, in simple language? Throw me a bone and put a nametag on that bone. Foot bone connected to the leg bone, leg bone connected to the knee bone."

JJ: Sorry. There is no chart to prepare you for that which is to come. The only ones who understand the Molecular order at present are the Masters, but they experience it from the vantage point of living within the kingdom of God as a group. We will experience it from the vantage point of regular mortality, and so all the repercussions of its manifestation, especially in this age, can only be guessed at. How many of the attributes of the higher life are carried down to the single members will be determined by the soul contact of each of us as individuals and collectively. The creation of the first human molecules will require the greatest act of faith demonstrated on the earth for many years.

Rob, I'll get to your questions soon.