1998-12-2 17:52:00
I have a busy day, but do want to make a short comment.
There is a principle associated with the Fourth Ray called Harmony through Conflict. When this concept is understood it will be seen that certain types of conflict, as we have had here for instance, are a good thing.
Have you ever noticed that after you have had a fight with a loved one, and then intelligently resolved the conflict, that the harmony and peace of the relationship seem greater than ever?
That is because many of the deeper stages of peace must be acquired through the principle of conflict. The conflict, however, must be intelligently approached and managed.
I want Gabrielle, Patti and any others with their belief system to know they are welcome here and a certain amount of conflict is good, but we just don't have the time to digress in all areas where questions arise. There are certain things that need to be taught here so the sincere students can rise up a ladder one step at a time and if we digress long enough it becomes painful to hang motionless on that last step.
So we will move on here, but as the concept of perfection comes up and aids us in taking additional steps we will use what we have learned so far and more.
Copyright 1998 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved