2000-2-11 11:53:00
Much appreciation to Rick, Marylin, Susi, Mark and others who have worked on the archives. I know it has been a lot of work and it sounds like a special recognition should go to Marylin here. I hope you do get some more volunteers - you've still got a long way to go.
My thanks to the group for your comments on the Song. The Song is a dividing sword. Those who say it once or twice and seem to feel no effect will generally see little light or Spirit in the teachings I present. However some of this group will have a mental appreciation for them.
On the other hand, those who sing the Song regularly and feel an effect will have a strong sense of oneness with others who are singing it. Notice that we rarely (possibly never) have an ongoing, or unresolved, argument between two members who sing the Song. Each time there has been any disharmony it was resolved within a few days.
I also find on a personal level that I have to put myself in a peaceful state of mind before I feel like saying the Song. If I am agitated about something I find I have a natural reluctance toward it, but as soon as I center myself and say it (or sing it through the soul) all the negativity is dispersed.
One thing that I found interesting is Margaret's comment that many of the ancients considered the reciting of a wording such as this as singing. This is something I did not realize until now. But when you think of it the Psalms were songs and they probably were not sung the way current songs are.
Another thing to consider is this. Some may say the Song is deficient because it does not talk about salvation, the blood of Christ and so on, but if we use these criteria for judgment, we would also have to throw out the Lord's Prayer. No prayer, mantra or even book can cover every subject.
There is one potential criticism that may come from some Christians that I have not seen surface yet, so I will cover this in advance. The scriptures tell us to avoid "vain repetitions." Because of this many people believe that we should not repeat any prayer or mantra over and over. Notice carefully the words of Christ. He did not say to not use repetitions, but "vain repetitions" or more accurately translated as "useless repetitions."
Vain repetitions are words that are repeated over and over with no thought behind them; but the repetition is no longer vain when thought and feeling are added to the words. Words just spoken into the air, with no thought, only have the effect of sending forth dissipating sound waves. When the words are sent forth "on wings of power" with thought, love and feeling, they then become living things that produce a definite effect and are no longer vain. Even the many fundamentalist churches have certain set prayers that are repeated over and over. Supposedly this is done with thought and feeling so they are not vain repetitions.
The question:
To show that you really understand this principle, explain how the creation of a molecule of 24 will create a greater life, where that greater life will come from and how it will get here. Does this greater life have a beginning or an end? What is our relationship to it?
To this question the best response (IMHO) was from Anni. I might add that Anni's past few posts have been excellent. I think she really underestimates her ability. She writes: "This new molecule made of 24 humans is already, has always been and will always be there. It was created in the mind of God and manifested through the formless worlds. It is already manifested on the mental level because we as a group think about it. I think it is manifesting on the emotional level now as we are growing closer and closer.... In some years the molecule will manifest on the physical level as well - because we decide it to. The greater being that will come alive will, of course, be the sum of all 24 individuals, but will also be given more energy and light from higher levels so it will indeed be more than the sum of the 24."
JJ: You started off in the right direction but got a little off course when you said, "The greater being that will come alive will, of course, be the sum of all 24 individuals, but will also be given more energy and light from higher levels so it will indeed be more than the sum of the 24." The phrase that a greater life being, created by the sum of its parts and then being greater than the sum of its parts, is often taught in metaphysical circles; but this is a misleading phrase.
As a side note, I have found something very interesting in my pursuit of truth, if you hear a common phrase that is purported to be true, you will often find that there is illusion behind it if the meaning is examined in the light of the soul. "Go with the flow" is a popular example that we have discussed earlier. We have found another common phrase, a being greater than the sum of its parts, but technically the greater life is not created by the sum of its parts for it never had a creation.
Let us look at the simple molecule of water again which is composed of oxygen and hydrogen. Suppose we have oxygen packaged in unites of ten each and we start adding them together. 10+10+10+10+10 = 50 for example. We can keep adding these packages (parts) of oxygen and what do we get? More oxygen. And how much oxygen do you get? The sum of its parts. Now suppose you add big numbers like billions and trillions of oxygen atoms. What do you get? The answer is the same: more oxygen gas. No matter how many parts you throw in the result is the same material, only the quantity increases.
Now let us add a different type of parts. Let us add two atoms of hydrogen to one of oxygen and what do you get? Is it just the sum of the parts which is three atoms? No. Is it greater than the sum of its parts? Not really.
It is not the sum of anything for this new material, water, has properties not related to the sum of hydrogen and oxygen; it is different from either of them. It was not created through simple addition as oxygen gas was, but through right combination, bonding, electrical exchange and other factors. To understand this we must accept the premise that the life of God flows through all things and even atoms and molecules are alive within their own sphere.
Many seekers realize that life advances in stages, and that the molecule is a greater life than the atom, a cell greater than the molecule, the plant greater than a cell, and so on. These greater lives are not manifested through simple addition, but the prerequisite is a unique combination of elements that will allow the life that has always been to express itself.
Even though the greater lives have always been, they are not seeking to become what they have always been. If this were the case there would be no purpose in manifesting on the physical plane. Each life that manifests here does so in the hope of Becoming that which it has never been, but without the loss of that which has forever been.
What must be prepared for a greater life before it manifests, and what is this process of the manifestation of a life called? This is the key word we are looking for.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved