2000-2-9 20:36:00
Lorraine writes:
"Has anyone created music or have the notes always been there and we just put them together in a way that has not been done before? The notes have always been there; just not organized into the tune. So are we. We have always been there just not organized into what we now call us."
Very well done Lorraine. You have stated part of the explanation clearly enough that I am going to give you a free book. To elaborate some more I will quote from a previous post:
"The lowest of the formless worlds is a world of essential ideas. Consider the song Yesterday by the Beatles. Even before the formation of the Beatles, the essence of the song existed beyond time and space as an idea in the mind of God. As an essential idea it had no form. Then Lennon and McCartney tuned into this formless idea and brought it down into time and space and clothed it with vibration, vinyl and sheet music.
"If every piece of form representing this song in this world were destroyed the essential idea would still exist in the formless worlds and take form again somewhere, sometime."
Anni also covered this concept very beautifully a couple posts later. "The ideas are already there - they are created on another level of consciousness and are just waiting for us to see or find them. When smaller lives merge into a greater life form by their own free will - like e.g. a human molecule - we just live out an idea that was already there from the beginning. And as others have said so well: this greater life is more than the sum of the individuals, even though we still have our own individual consciousness. It must be like in our body - each single cell knows the whole, but works in a special place with a special task. But if for some reason it is necessary each cell knows the structure and the whole being it is a part of."
Now the whole explanation has not been given - so we will give away another free book to the one who completes the mystery. To show that you really understand this principle, explain how the creation of a molecule of 24 will create a greater life, where that greater life will come from, and how it will get here. Does this greater life have a beginning or an end? What is our relationship to it?
There is a key word you must use to win the book. Lorraine, you are welcome to comment, but the second free book will go to another great post.
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