2000-2-8 20:01:00
Rick, I forgot to comment on your analogy of twisted strands and rope. It was quite accurate in describing what we are in relation to the seven planes.
What we are looking for here is the explanation of the missing link, so to speak, in evolution. When there is progression from one kingdom to another there is a quantum leap. For instance, an atom to a plant, a plant to an animal, an animal to a human and a human to a member of the God Kingdom.
Let me give you a logical reason why the progression is something far different than the mere evolution of an individual life. In your body there are trillions of atoms to compose your one physical life. If each of these evolved into human form, the universe would have to expand an unreasonable amount to accommodate all the new humans.
Instead the greater life is created without the loss of the identity of the atom. As was written in The Molecular Relationship, atoms create molecules, molecules create cells and cells create plants, and so on the progression goes.
There is an understanding that I am looking for, about how this higher life is manifested, where it comes from, and how it comes.
Hint: Technically the greater life is not created. It is manifested. How?
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