1998-12-1 17:40:00
There are three Greek words translated as "perfect" in the Bible. The two main ones are TELEIOO and AKRIBELA. AKRIBELA is the one equivalent to the way we use "perfect" in our English, especially the way people talk about God. However, in the Bible AKRIBELA was used in a negative way to describe those who crucified Jesus. The religious people of his day believed in AKRIBELA.
The scripture "Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect." is a mistranslation in almost every Bible available. Why? Because the illusion of perfection is so important for the religious world to maintain.
In this scxripture "perfect" is mistranslated from TELEIOO which means "Complete, finish and puts forth the idea of finishing a job or goal that you have."
Now let's translate this verse correctly as Jesus meant it:
"Therefore finish (or complete) the work you are given to do even as your Father in Heaven completes His."
Isn't the true rendering the more practical advice?
Again I will repeat: You have to read from a mistranslated Bible to teach the perfection of God or man. The doctrine of perfection, as the religious world understands it, is just not in there. If you do not believe me go to any standard Christian bookstore and buy a concordance (Strongs is the best) and look these words up. This knowledge is available to all the Bible believers.
Copyright 1998 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved