2000-2-1 00:11:00
JJ wrote:
"Let me again quote the criteria for deciding which side a disciple is on:
"But he that believeth these things which I have spoken, him will I visit with the manifestations of my Spirit, and he shall know and bear record. For because of my Spirit he shall know that these things are true; for it persuadeth men to do good. "And whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do good is of me; for good cometh of none save it be of me." Ether 4:11
Blayne writes:
JJ, I came across this in your exchange with Sterling, I have largely stayed out of that exchange for brevity etc. But this bothered me, and if I haven't used up the possibility of receiving an answer, would you please respond? The scriptures you quote above speak of "the manifestations of the spirit, and he shall know and bear record"
I ask, what is it you bear record of, since you set this as a criteria for knowing which side a disciple is on? Unless I have missed it I don't recall you bearing record of anything, but rather put stuff forward either as fiction or ?. Thanks for your response in advance.
Despite the fact that over 80% of my writings available to readers are presented as "non fiction" teachings, Blayne keeps bringing up the fictionalized part of my book. And I notice on Sterling's forum (someone sent me his post) that he is still calling it a deception and manipulation.
Since you have definitely made up your mind that I am a deceiver, the question is why you are here? Is it as a watcher of iniquity?
Here is what the Book of Mormon says about such a practice:
"For assuredly as the Lord liveth they shall see that the terrible one is brought to naught, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off;
"And they that make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of naught."
II Nephi 27:31-32
Here we are told that they who scorn and "all that watch for iniquity" are to be cut off. Therefore, if any are here to watch for iniquity they are here for the wrong reason.
The true spiritual teachers do not watch for iniquity, for it is impossible to see light and truth by looking in the direction of darkness. If one watches for iniquity they will see iniquity. Did not the Jewish leaders see that which they were looking for in Jesus? They were looking for darkness in the greatest light that ever walked the planet and that is exactly what they saw and thus accused him of healing by the power of Satan.
Look at Joseph Smith, for example. Did he look for iniquity in others, or was the problem, in that day, that others were always looking for iniquity in him?
If we be watchers of light and truth and promoters of light and truth then "in the light we shall see light." Iniquity shall reveal itself without having to look for it.
Did Joseph go to other groups to watch for their errors and iniquities?
Did Jesus or any great teachers?
Joseph did go to the Masons, not to see what was wrong but to see what he could learn from them and he incorporated some of their teachings with his own. Even though the Masons had much error, he still looked for light rather than darkness.
It seems to really bother a very small handful that part of the Immortal is published as fiction, as if honestly stating that the story in my book is a combination of truth and fiction is some great lie. I have already covered this in detail, but let me say one additional thing.
As it states in the book the Brotherhood of Light have worked through disciples in recent times and the work has not succeeded.
Because we live in a totally different age than in times past, even much different than early Mormonism.
For instance when my great-great grandfather Wilford Woodruff went into a town as a missionary, he merely rented a hall and put a post up somewhere that there was to be a meeting. With this small amount of advertising sometimes half the town turned out.
Why was this?
Because in those days there was no TV, Internet, night shifts, VCR's, MTV etc. When strangers came to town to present something new, it was a big deal and often it was the only entertainment available. One time, when Wilford went into a tavern, the crowd forced him to preach whether he wanted to or not. That's how thirsty they were to be entertained.
Things are different now and even the Brotherhood is somewhat beside themselves as to the best ways to reach the lights.
No longer can a teacher just wander into town and with a simple free ad get hundreds of the people to eagerly turn out and listen.
If a person has what he considers as light, he has much difficulty in getting an audience. I know Sterling has been at it for a number of years, I think eight or more, and all he has is a handful who will listen, not as many as early missionaries roused in one day. I also know that the group, that Craig was associated with, has struggled for many years to get listeners and still only have a handful who believe. This lack of interest is not the fault of teachers such as Sterling, but this is just the way it is. All teachers, true and false, good and bad, have much difficulty in getting an audience because there are so many sources of entertainment that seem to be more interesting than just reading or hearing lectures.
Because of the struggles that disciples are having in this age, it was given to me to write the Immortal series which shall consist of twelve books.
This direction was confirmed to me by the Spirit of God through the soul.
Thus by combining truth with fiction I can present the teachings in such a way that not only normal seekers will enjoy, but many who are not actively seeking will also enjoy and in the process perhaps become interested in the search for truth.
I have found this to be very successful, for many people who have read the Immortal (who I thought would totally reject it because the teachings differ from their own) have loved the book.
My mother, for instance, is a stanch Mormon and thinks I am deceived. But she read the book and is now a fan. She keeps asking me when the next book is coming out. Now she's still a standard Mormon, but a part of her has been stimulated that was lacking before.
You therefore ask what I bear record of? I bear record that the writing of the Immortal as fiction, in order to reach the hearts of the people, was inspired by God. That is the reason that many people can read a book which is labeled as fiction and yet receive a witness through the Spirit that truth is there and that they should seek more.
You would be amazed at all the letters I get from readers who tell me that they were touched by the Spirit of God as they read the book. Many have said something like this: "I don't care if you say that it is fiction. I felt the Spirit of God while reading it."
I think others on this list also are willing to testify to you, Blayne, that they also felt the Spirit of Truth while reading it.
Because of the weaknesses of the human condition, I am sure I have made some mistakes in the many writings I have posted and if a person "watches" enough, he may find something. But apart from human error I do testify my teachings are true. The Molecular Relationship was given to me as a revelation from God and if you read it and ask God in the name of Christ if it is true according to my weakness, you shall receive providing you ask as a little child with a sincere heart.
What greater witness is there than from God?
Verily, you can receive such a witness of the direction of the teachings I present, and of the work in which we are engaged.
Do ye not remember that I said unto you that after ye had received the Holy Ghost ye could speak with the tongue of angels? And now, how could ye speak with the tongue of angels save it were by the Holy Ghost?
Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; (the Oneness Principle) wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do. II Nephi 32:2-3
I have spoken many of these "words of Christ" freely to the group, my friend. Can you not see them and feel them?
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved