Relative Perfection

1998-12-1 10:13:00

Gabrielle originally made this comment: "For me it would be blasphemy to consider Christ anything less than the goodest most perfect creator God of the universe and to love Him and thank Him as such."

I tried to ignore this line of thought and then Alice brought it up again. This time I perceived that there may be several who may want me to answer so I reluctantly proceeded. Why was I reluctant? Because I knew that if there were even several out there who were set into the orthodox view of Jesus or God that we would be sidetracked for some time. Nevertheless, we want to be open to all things and we have began this plunge so perhaps we should continue for a while or it may become a "stumbling block" to some.

If we are going to have a productive argument or discussion the first thing to do is make sure we know what we are arguing about.

Since we are basically talking about the perfection of God let us first define "perfection" as it is usually used in relation to religious discussions.

Perfection: "A state of being, achievement or attainment which cannot be improved upon and from which no further progress or improvement is possible."

When this idea is applied to worshipped beings such as Jesus or Jehovah it is done with the idea that they can never make a mistake. Every word, action, movement and creation they make is flawless.

Basically these poor gods have nowhere to go because they have it all. They have no goals because to move toward a goal of any kind would take them away from the perfection they are now experiencing. They have nothing to learn because they are perfect in their learning. There is actually nothing even left for them to create because their creation is perfect since they are perfect.

Such a delusion about any living entity in the universe is a great example of the deception that the beast has fostered upon mankind. And the interesting thing about this idea is that it is found nowhere in the Bible, but he Beast creates the illusion for the masses that it is taught in the scriptures so control becomes that much easier.

Since the Beast uses even good things like the Bible as a tool of control it must make us think his most cherished teachings are in there whether they are or not.

So to sum it up the two sides of the argument is this:

ME: Ultimate Perfection is an illusion and actually undesirable. If we were to live in a state where there could not exist a goal to progress even higher then there would be no joy in living. The closest we get to perfection is what the Masters call "Relative Perfection." With relative perfection one can reach a state where the entity has a skill down pat so he becomes a reliable performer or he has achieved a particular goal to his satisfaction, but soon he finds another skill to master and another goal to achieve.

OTHERS: God and Jesus are both the ultimate perfection and there is nothing they can do to become more perfect. Period. To quote Gabrielle "it would be blasphemy to consider Christ (Jesus the entity) anything less than the goodest most perfect creator God of the universe..."

It would be helpful if we have covered the second key here but we will plow with the horses we have.

First let me say that to put Jesus, Buddha and other religious icons in their right place and perspective is not blasphemous as truth is the highest form of religion and is never blasphemous. On the contrary to overstate their importance as the beast did with Jesus in the Nicene Creed IS blasphemous and needs correction in the religious world. To put Jesus in his right place in the universe is a good thing, just as it would have been a good thing to put the emperor of Rome in his right place. Only by putting all things in their right place can the truth be seen. If one puts Jesus on even a higher pedestal than He belongs then all perception of Him and his words will be seen through a fog and high illusion will be the result.

Let's use some logic here. To believe that Jesus the entity created the trillions of inhabited worlds out there and then picked this little planet to visit with His presence would make this little planet pretty much the most important place in the universe. This type of thinking is very similar to ancient man who thought that the earth was the center of the universe and even the Sun moved around it.

Do you really think that of all the trillions of worlds - this is the most important or at least one out of a trillion in importance? You would have to think this way if Jesus, the entity, created the whole universe and yet chose this little planet to visit.

Most metaphysical teachers see it much differently than this old time religion explanation. Many wise teachers correctly see that there is an entity who most correctly or most perfectly (not ultimate perfection by any measure) demonstrates the Christ energy and consciousness that exists in all of us. For this little planet the entity who has best demonstrated this consciousness was Jesus.

Jesus however, is a current native to this planet Earth and has little to do with any other star systems in this galaxy let alone the billions of other galaxies of billions of stars in this little universe. All these other systems with inhabited worlds have their own teachers who represent the Son of God and teach as Sons of God. They are totally separate entities from Jesus as we understand 'separate" yet they are Jesus Christs to their worlds which merely means they are "anointed to save" their brothers and sisters. Remember the name Jesus Christ means "anointed to save" and there are billions of such beings so anointed.

Get ready for a shocker - something you will never learn in regular Bible class. I will now give you two Bible stories that definitely illustrate that the God of the Bible is not quote the epitome of perfection that the Beast has led you to believe.


The word "Israel" comes from the Hebrew YISRAEL. The first part of the word is derived from the prime root SARAH which literally means "to prevail" or to "have power". It is sometimes used to indicate a princely or royal power. The second half of the word is EL. This word is translated as "God" numerous times throughout the Old Testament. When it is not used in this connection it means "mighty" or "strong" and implies superhuman goodness or strength.

If we put these combinations together we have several possible meanings among which are: "To prevail as God", "to have royal power as God", or "to prevail through great strength and goodness". Some say that it should mean "prince of God", but this is a watered down euphemism designed to conform to orthodoxy.

In examining the first rendition ("to prevail as God") one may wonder why such a title would have been bestowed upon a man for surely man was not intended to prevail or have power as God. Is not this a bold title to assume?

It may seem bold, but it is also quite fitting, for did not Jacob prevail and have power over an angel of God, or possibly more than an angel? After the entity left it is written: "And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel (Which means the "face or appearance of God): for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved." Gen 32:30

Most religionists call this personage an angel, but the Bible does not. The scriptures call him two things. He is called "a man" (Gen 32:24) and "God (Gen 32:30). The amazing thing is that Jacob being a man prevailed over another person who was called a "God". Therefore, he was given a name which meant "to prevail as God" for only a God could overpower another God.

CONCLUSION: Obviously God was not a perfect wrestler because Jacob beat the hell out of him and made him cry "uncle." God was so impressed that he was bested by Jacob that he named him Israel - "to prevail as God."


Moses was indeed a true Israelite for he prevailed as a god as Jacob did and got the best of another ELOHIYM. God was dismayed at the Tribes of Israel because they disobeyed Him and built the golden calf and had decided to destroy them all. The problem God faced in destroying them is that it would interfere with his promise to Abraham and to fulfill this promise he had to keep some of the promised seed for breeding so he told Moses: "Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation." Ex 32:10

Moses did not want all of his labors with the people to have been in vain so he reasoned with God and told him how embarrassing it would be before the eyes of the Egyptians. They would think that there is something wrong with a god that would save a people just to destroy them in the wilderness.

Still God did not change his mind so Moses then made one of the boldest moves in the history of the planet and placed God in a corner and forced his hand.

Moses reminded God that he would not be able to completely fulfil his promise to Abraham if he destroyed the whole house of Israel and left Moses alone.


Because if God destroyed all Israel but Moses then God could only bring the promised seed through Moses. Thus if God executed His plan of destruction He would then need the full cooperation of Moses to fulfill His promise to Abraham.

Now Moses still had his free will and threatened to not cooperate with God. This would make God a covenant breaker if he executed his plan on the Tribes. Thus through the powerful reasoning of Moses, God was forced to change his mind. It is written: "And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people." Exodus 32:14 (Read the whole chapter.)

CONCLUSION: God here obviously did not have a "perfect knowledge" or he would have known the mind of Moses. He didn't seem to have a clue that Moses would get the best of him in an argument or how Moses would respond to him. Moses actually caused God to "repent," Does a perfect being repent? In other words, God realized his direction was wrong and went another direction.

This is not the only place where God "repents." Other examples are:

God said: "It repenteth me that I have set up Saul to be king...And the Lord repented that He had made Saul king over Israel." I Sam. 15:ll&35. "and He repented that He made man" (Gen, 6;6) and He repented of thinking to destroy Nineveh (Jonah 3:10).

Even though the Bible clearly teaches that God has his own flaws on his plane the religions still teach that some perfect being is at the helm heading everything up in their particular religion. Why is this?

This is part of the master plan of the Beast...


Think. What is the best way to control people? In other words, who are people most willing and eager to obey?

Would it be a God like the one who "repented" to Moses?


Would it be a perfect God who never makes a mistake and his every word is infallible???

Yes, Definitely Yes.

Then once you get the people believing in such a God what is the next step?

ANSWER: Establish God's representative here on the earth who speaks his mind and will. Then once you have such a man (or woman) what do you have?

You then have a voice for yourself that is as potent as having the perfect God right down here on earth in your pocket!

Once you have the perfect God's words here on earth available for your use (even if they are wonderful words) you can then take those words and alter them (the way they have done with the Bible) and then use the perfect God's words through his perfect representative to create an absolute control over the people. The beast takes away the power of the common people to think because you do not question the words of a "perfect" God. When you no longer question you can then be herded about like a beast who only awaits the next push from his master to determine his direction. The trained beast does not think or question the command of his master - he merely obeys.

It's time the people of Light are finally taught the same principle that Moses understood. To be like Moses you must even question the perfection of God. Who knows? You may get him to change his mind as Moses did.

Does this mean we will be frustrated in our efforts to improve ourselves if we question the perfection of God???

NO. The answer is just the opposite. When I used to think Jesus was a perfect sterile being in the standard religious sense I felt discouraged about the possibility of being like him. I found Abraham Lincoln much more inspiring because he had flaws, but he rose above them. He was not perfect, but he turned out pretty good. This was someone I could sink my teeth into. Here was a man that set an example I could shoot for, but Jesus??? Well I had already made a lot of mistakes so being like the flawless Son of God like Jesus was out of the question.

Then when I found out the truth about Relative Perfection Jesus shot right up there at the top of my list where he belonged. I realized that I could be like him after all - I realized that He was a practical role model.

If you had an opportunity to play basketball and everyone else on the team was as talented as Michael Jordan, how long would you play even if the coach let you?

Not for long. There is just too much of gap between you and the other players. Instead of having joy from playing you would become depressed.

The standard view of Jesus and other religious icons takes the joy out of religion for the same reason. You are just never good enough.

I thank God in my heart every day I have escaped this delusion of the Beast.

I just finished studying the life of John Kennedy. He had a lot of flaws, but I found many things about him that inspired me and made me aspire to higher things.

Winston Churchill has been a hero of mine yet he was overweight and smoked cigars. Does that make the fact that he almost single handedly stood up to Hitler any less inspiring to me?


When we see any other life form as more or less than a spiritually equal brother we are just inviting the Beast to take control of our lives and we will be oblivious to what is happening as we are being manipulated.