2000-1-28 11:58:00
Thank you for your additional posts on soul contact. Here is the first question: "Do you believe that you have experienced soul contact with another person? If so why is it that you were able to do this and what did it feel like?" A number of you related interesting accounts of how you have had soul contact with another. Someone mentioned that falling in love opens the door of the soul. This is true.
The first step a person does make toward shared soul contact is falling in love.
Think a moment. What causes a person to fall in love with another? What makes it happen is that the couple, for a short period, overlooks every possible fault and imperfection in the loved one, even if those faults are glaring to friends and family. When you look in the eyes of another and see only perfection what do you see? You see the face of Christ and this opens the door of the soul.
Thanks to the attractive forces of the polarities, most males and females in relationship feel the power of the soul through romantic love. The power of this love works to give average people a belief in the soul that stays with them for many lifetimes, until the time comes that they begin to hear the still small voice and move on to higher spiritual feelings.
Now what causes this powerful and wonderful love in a relationship to dissipate and sometimes turn to love-hate or even hate-hate? When the love subsides, the two people are still the same people with the same faults. They should be just as loveable as ever, but to their partner they do not seem to be. The reason? Instead of seeing the face of Christ in each other they now are looking at the lower imperfect self.
Now he sees a woman with many irritating traits and ceases to adore her, and has amnesia of the Christ he originally saw in her. She sees a guy who just sits around and watches football and doesn't seem to pay her any attention. Neither of then seem nearly as clever, smart or funny as they were in the beginning. All of these faults distract the vision from the good, the beautiful, and the true; to the negative, the ugly and the false.
What is the key to returning to love? Another divine characteristic must be brought into play and that is will. Will, as an aspect of God, must be brought from heaven to earth and we must use this will to force ourselves to look beyond the imperfections of the other and back to the perfect face of Christ that has never left our loved one. Will can resurrect the Christ and the love in a relationship so the end will be as it was in the beginning
Question: "Do you feel one in the soul with any other members on the list?"
A number of you gave a positive response to this. As time passes the communion of the members through the soul should substantially increase despite periodical flare ups.
Question: "What are the barriers that prevent two people from entering soul contact together and experiencing the Oneness Principle? How do we overcome these barriers?"
We talked a little about this as it applies to a romantic relationship, but the same principles apply to all relationships. If you have a friend or co-worker and all your attention is focused on what is wrong with him this takes your attention away from the face of Christ that is within him. Again, by an act of will, we must direct our attention away from his faults and toward the soul. When this is done, the seeker can then sense and realize the oneness of all mankind; and that his brother, on a higher level, is one with him.
Question: Can we have an awareness of the imperfections of another, yet still see the perfection within? How is this possible?
The scripture says: They shall see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring again Zion. How can a group see eye to eye without the imposition of strong authority? We see how difficult it is with us, don't we? Is it possible for 200 or more to see eye to eye?
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved