2000-1-16 11:34:00
Sterling has been getting a little heat from the list lately, but I would like to make a comment here. Since we started the list there have been a number who have attacked me, the teachings, or other members on the keys list, and have seemed to have nothing good to say about anything; but overall, Sterling has been more positive than negative. Also the fact that he has given outright praise and compliments as well as criticism, shows that he is honestly trying to look at both sides of what is presented.
I would suggest having patience with him, for from his point of view, he certainly has to have patience with us. I think it is a great learning experience for both sides of the spectrum to confront each other and reach points of harmony. In the end, those who remain will be strong, and have a willingness to move on to higher levels, and drop that which no longer serves purpose.
I might mention that Sterling is the first to cause Samu to ever defend himself if my memory serves me correctly. Samu has to be one of the most gentle and benevolent souls on the face of the earth, and I'm sure that any who looks upon his soul will see only good. I'm sure the love within his soul will "cover a multitude of sins" so to speak.
We are dropping a little in membership again; but at this point, numbers is not as important as building a foundation of good strong individuals who have weathered a few storms, and can handle the fires to come.
Sterling asks about worshiping God and Christ. When John saw his vision and was visited by an angel it was written: "And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." (Rev 19:10)
Why did this angel tell John it was wrong to worship him? Because he was a fellow servant and a brother. Isn't our relationship to Jesus the same? He washed the disciples' feet to illustrate that he was their servant, and taught that the greatest in the kingdom of god is he who is the greatest servant. It is also clearly stated that he is our brother: "For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified ARE ALL OF ONE [one Spirit]: for which cause he [Jesus] is not ashamed to call them brethren." (Heb 2:11) He is also called "the firstborn of MANY brethren." (Rom 8:29)
It is because Jesus was a fellow servant and our brother that he responded as follows: "And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments." (Matt 19:16-17) Notice that Jesus did not even allow this person to call him "good" let alone worship him.
What is the principle behind worship? "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him MUST worship him in spirit and in truth." (John 4:23-24)
I realize that most LDS believe this scripture was altered because it does not conform to their view of God having a physical form. Nevertheless, I believe it to be accurate and that it contains a lesson on the true principle of worship. The reason the angel stopped John from worshipping him and that Jesus would not allow himself to be called "good" is that to do so is a form of idolatry. Both, who wanted to fall down at their feet and worship, were giving the glory that belongs to the One God to the form of a man.
The basic commandment to avoid worshipping images is found in Deut 5:7-9. "Thou shalt have none other gods before me. Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them."
The reason we should not worship images is given as "For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire... (Deut 4:24) The consuming fire of the Spirit of God has no form; and this 0ne universal God, which we are a part of, is what we are to worship.
There are several times in the scriptures where it seems that Jesus allows himself to be worshipped. Since he was in the form of a man why was this allowed, when the principle of worship is to worship God as a Spirit in Spirit and truth? Jesus, or any other Master, can look into the hearts of men; and even though disciples may be showing reverence in their presence, if the Master sees that the person is giving Glory through the Spirit to the invisible Spirit of God and not the image of a man, then he will not interfere with the reverence, but participate in it himself.
If the Christ, or the Lord of the World, were to appear to you in human form and you were to attempt to worship him as a personality he would stop you; but if you were to worship with your Spirit and sense the Spirit of God in the presence of the Master then it would be allowed.
Gary asks: "Sterling, the next time you talk to JJ ask him to inquire of John as to what relation John is to Christ." I believe there is a relationship that goes beyond what is given in the Bible but it does not matter because it states in Matt 12:48-50: "But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother."
Jean asks: I need something clarified that I read in the past in the Bible. When Jesus was on the Mount and he looked upon a "vision" of Moses and Elijah looking down on him, were they the "Jesus" incarnate of that time? I need this clarified to understand. That was one thing that always puzzled me.
JJ: That which Paul called "the body of Christ...composed of many members" did not begin with the Christian church, but some before Christ realized oneness with God and became Masters of Wisdom. There are two stages of overcoming death. The first is to reach a stage in consciousness where you have power given you to rejuvenate your body and live on as long as you desire here on the earth. Both Moses and Elijah achieved this, but since that achievement they have incarnated again. For instance, we are told quite clearly that John the Baptist was Elijah come again.
The "better resurrection" mentioned in the scriptures was that achieved by Jesus in cooperation with the Christ. With this "overcoming" the Master has power to allow his body to be destroyed, yet can raise it up again. He also can change his form if desired for he is a Master of form.
Jean also asks if the Dark Brothers have worked to take followers away from the original teachings of the Catholic, Mormon and other churches. The answer is a definite yes. Whenever any teacher appears, every effort will be made to distort the truth presented. After the teacher is gone there is usually a vacuum created that the dark ones seek to fill with their people.
This is one reason that the Molecular Relationship is so important. If set up correctly it will be a self-correcting organization, where the light gravitates to the top as cream does in milk. Only by the creation of such a self-correcting and living organization, can a peace on earth, lasting a thousand or more years, be established. If we were to create an organization based on established principles it would be corrupted within two generations no matter how perfect the beginning was.
Zina asks: "JJ is there beings on the earth who have/had some direct access to the Solar Logos as well, is that possible?"
JJ: Lots of people think they do, but the main communication with this great entity is the Ancient of Days and those in his Molecules. The Christ has some understanding of him, but most of this is sent down to him from the Ancient One.
Zina also asks: Jesus even said point blank that there were "two men" who bore witness of his mission - he and his Father within him.
Would this be the spirit being that created Jesus' body through the virgin birth? Thus the Father on a higher level...
JJ: Yes. I wrote some about this previously. This makes Christ literally the Father and the son.
Zina asks who we pray to when we pray to God. We must pray in spirit to the One God of whom we are all parts of his body. After your prayer is sent forth in faith, it will be picked up by a higher life who realizes his oneness with God, and if it looks like an answer to your prayer will indeed be helpful, assistance of some kind may be forthcoming.
Sometimes you may pray to God for help and a friend who is in tune with the Spirit may pick up the plea and help you right here on the physical plane.
The Catholics make a big mistake in praying to saints instead of the one God. Some of the Saints they pray to are now living in physical bodies as regular mortals.
Xavier asks:
Do some souls get destroyed at the end of a great cycle, apart from the dark bros? I always have a feeling for people that feel as if they were junk, good to cast away. Not that I met some, btw. Might be from deluge time.
Oops I know dark bros souls don't get destroyed, just their personalities. I just wonder at the despair of people feeling that they are going to the ....slaughter house?
JJ: The only way to enter the path of destruction is to completely reject the Spirit of God, the Love of God, and the Will of God, in favor of the isolated will of the lower self. The Dark Brother thus creates an impenetrable wall between him and his source of life. When this happens all that is him, as an individual, begins to disintegrate until all that remains is his formless spirit or Intelligence as the Mormons call it.
This total rejection of God is called, in the scriptures, the unforgivable sin, and those who commit it are called the Sons of Perdition. The darkness they enter is so great that it takes several lives of sustained selfishness to seal the door to life.
Such destroyed entities must wait for the creation of a future solar system to get another chance at evolution and start all over from the beginning, a waste of billions of years.
All other entities who do not totally reject their Creator will eventually find the path of life and move on to liberation. Some of us take more prodding than others. Fortunately, only a small number continue on the Left Hand Path until they reach the point of no return.
Someone asked why I refer to God as a He. The One God who permeates the universe is composed of both all males and all females; but because of the limitations of English I must call such a being a He, She or It. I prefer He, but if others want to use She or It, this is fine with me. Others call IT a Father/Mother God but that takes more keystrokes than He.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved