2000-1-16 01:52:00
The Hierarchy of Gods
Craig, I really enjoyed your post. It reminded me of my spiritual journey to a large degree. I remember when I discovered the truth of reincarnation; my whole belief system was shattered. This did not happen with one piece of evidence, but I had to be hit with proof after proof after proof. I was forced to look at the principle with an open mind or deny the whole logical thought process.
Then, when I discovered this was true for a surety, I began to ask myself what other areas of belief I may be upside down about. After I asked this question to myself, I decided to read all the scriptures (including the Mormon ones) from cover to cover, with the mindset that I knew nothing and had never been taught anything from them by any man. My attitude was to just discover what the prophets were saying with no preconceived notions at all.
What happened in doing this amazed me. I discovered principle after principle, truth after truth, that I had never seen before. I kept asking myself: "Why did I not see these things before?" Then as I studied the last book of the Bible, I began to realize that I was so blinded because the true meaning of the Beast in Revelations is unearned authority, and one reason I was able to break free and discover additional truths, is that I released my mind from all outwardly authority and began to seek only those things that registered with my own soul.
I find it interesting that most people enter the New Age thought system because of a rebellion against religion. Whereas, in my case, I discovered that many principles of metaphysics were true by reading the scriptures. In other words, I was led to metaphysics, not because of a rebellion, but because of light I received in reading the words of the prophets. Many of the things I teach on this list, which seem new and unique, I received while reading the scriptures.
It's been about 22 years since I have been involved in religion, and I must say that my way of looking at the world and the "plan of salvation" is much different today than it was back then.
I have read very little over the past fifteen years, not because I have given it up, but because my time has been at such a premium. As I look back on this period I think this may have been the design of my soul. In some ways I have learned more in the past fifteen years, where I have done very little reading, than I did the fifteen previous where I did a lot of reading. Contemplation and tuning into the Oneness Principle can often lead to greater light than the reading of books.
By the way, Glenys, I agree with you 100% that it is a miracle that we have had a number of people join us who have emerged from highly structured religion. Unless a person has gone through it he cannot appreciate the difficulty in making the change.
Also, Glenys, thanks for giving out the addresses of some of my writings giving my true views about truth. Why Lynn would think that I believe in relative truth is beyond me. Our perception of truth is relative, but the "truth is true and nothing else is true."
I have also never been in harmony with the "God is dead" writers. I believe in a Living God as Jesus taught: "God is not a God of the dead (dead prophets) but of the living" (living people having God within them). (Matt 22:32) How can one believe in the omnipresence of God and not believe that God is within us? What do such people think - that God is everywhere but in us?
I am going to post more writings in the near future about the nature of God.
I do want to clear up a few things for the Mormons on the list. They basically believe that there is a hierarchy of Gods, and that God exists in a physical body. Even though Joseph taught about a hierarchy of Gods, most LDS see God as the God of the whole universe, sitting on a throne in a physical body, in the Celestial Kingdom.
There is some confusion because the Mormon scriptures indicate that there is one God with scriptures such as:
"And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen." II Nephi 31:21 Also Mormon 7:7
"And Amulek said: Yea, there is a true and living God. Now Zeezrom said: Is there more than one God? And he answered, No. Now Zeezrom said unto him again: How knowest thou these things? And he said: An angel hath made them known unto me." Alma 11:27-31 "Which Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are one God, infinite and eternal, without end. Amen." D&C 20:28 Then later Joseph Smith taught that there are many Gods and said that the God over us once was a man like us. He even made fun of the one God statement from the book of Mormon: "Many men say there is one God; the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are only one God! I say that is a strange God anyhow?three in one, and one in three! It is a curious organization." DHC 6:476
He also said in the same reference that:
"The heads of the Gods appointed one God for us; and when you take [that] view of the subject. It sets one free to see all the beauty, holiness and perfection of the Gods."
Let's put this all together as simply as possible now and I will write more on the subject later. What causes the confusion, with Mormons doctrine and other religions as well as metaphysics, is that there is only one God, one great life that permeates the universe. But within this universe is a hierarchy of Masters. They understand they are created in the image of the one God and are a reflection of Him/She/It. These Masters understand they are one with God clearly; when they tell their disciples "I AM God," they are not saying they are a God in a separative sense, but in a oneness sense. Just as my mouth is not the whole me, but can say "I am JJ," so can The Ancient of Days (who is the God appointed to this earth) and Christ tell us that they are the one God. Even though they are two individuals, they are really one with all the other Masters. Because there is real oneness, these Masters are true voices of the One God.
The main difference between us and the Masters is that we do not comprehend our oneness with God and feel it sacrilege to consider it, yet the scriptures say: "I am the true light that is in you, and that you are in me; otherwise ye could not abound." (D&C 88:50) God is the true light in us and we are in him. When we realize we have this oneness with God, we then approach the true path of overcoming all things as did the Christ.
Here's another interesting scripture: D&C 93:35 "The elements are the tabernacle of God; yea, man is the tabernacle of God, even temples." What does it mean when it says, "The elements are the tabernacle of God?" It means that the true body of the one God is all the elements in the whole universe. A body of a Master is just one small part of the One God, but because of The Oneness Principle this small part is a mouthpiece for the One God. What does it mean when it says, "man is the tabernacle of God"? It means that just as the body of the One God is the Universe, the body of man is a creation of the mind of God and, as such, contains a universe within it.
God does dwell within us just as the metaphysical teachers proclaim. Our bodies are tabernacles or houses that are the dwelling place of God and that God, which is within us, is our true self which has always been one with God; but because of illusion we see ourselves as separate from him. We do not really become Gods as the Mormons teach. Instead we become Masters through a growing realization of who we really are.
Joseph was correct in teaching that there are Gods in physical bodies, and there was one in particular appointed to this earth; but the scriptures are also right in teaching there is one God, that no man has seen. We have only seen him as he is reflected in his parts.
The God who appeared to Moses, for instance, was a Master in a physical body. The higher Masters in the Spiritual Hierarchy do not always reside in physical bodies, but fold lower elements into the higher when they reside in higher worlds. But any time they wish to visit the physical sphere, they unfold their physical selves. It is very uncomfortable for them to reside here for any length of time, however. If a disciple exercises faith it creates a bridge, opening a door that allows a visit with minimal discomfort.
Interesting post Rick. As far as developing physical characteristics goes - we have within our cellular computers all the knowledge incorporated therein to manifest physical bodies of the highest perfection. The key to accomplishing this is not in the test tube (even though that can work to a degree), but to advancing in consciousness. As we advance in consciousness, our bodies advance in refinement. Consciousness is the activating factor of any unused DNA or other ingredients that alters our form and physical abilities.
Peter asks: "Understanding that there were two spirit entities in the body of Jesus after the Holy Baptism, I sometimes get confused with your teachings when you reference Jesus or the Christ? For example, in a previous post you mentioned that Jesus said that he was a Son of God. Was Jesus (Joshua) saying this since he was the Son in the Father/Son relation to the Christ (Melchizedek), or was the Christ(Melchizedek) referencing himself as the Son in relation to his Father - a spirit entity (perhaps the Ancient of Days) greater than him?"
JJ: Even though there were two entities in one body, there was such a high level of agreement and cooperation that they were of one mind. Jesus just recognized that the one, who was in and with him, saw from a higher angle of vision than he did.
To achieve a rough idea of how this felt, look within yourself and feel the two great parts of the life that makes up the one you - your heart and your mind. When your heart and mind are not in agreement, you have much inner conflict almost like two lives fighting it out. When the heart and mind are in agreement (as was Jesus and the Christ); there are peace and harmony, and miracles happen in your life.
When I thus speak of Jesus without qualification, I refer to the two operating as one.
It is true that the whole Trinity of God is reflected within us as individuals, and we manifest the Triune God as we progress; but two entities working as one is a different matter. It is not much different than a husband and wife working together as a team with one purpose.
Norman asks..... "JJ, this is quoted a lot, but, don't think I have ever seen anyone zero in on the last 7 words of it.... Is it saying that Christ in us is HOPE? (The hope of glory) And, further, do you feel that the word "glory" might possibly be a reference to..."awareness of God" or, awareness of fulfillment? Surely there is great significance in the passage being written as it is...seems like there is much more said here than most of us notice. Would appreciate your view, as always..."
JJ: You've heard the statement that "hope springs eternal." Hope is very closely connected with the Christ Principle. The nourishment of hope within our hearts is the beginning of the manifestation of "Christ in us."
I'm out of time and still not caught up with your questions - bear with me.
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