2000-1-12 00:05:00
Rick writes:
"On a lighter note, we seemed to get another big batch of disagreements today, but there was something oddly different about it."
Yes, Sterling, for instance, posted a long disagreement, but was not confrontational. He had a sincere difference of opinion and posted it. Then too, John K and Xavier have had an exchange, but the tone has been friendly. Even though some have accused this list of having no patience for differences that has never been the problem. The problem some have created is a confrontational attitude.
Sterling (and some others) has been sincere and pleasant in questioning and this I have no problem with. On the other hand, when someone approaches me with a "you're full of crap" attitude, I will not respond with name calling, but my response will definitely have more bite in it.
I do not have time to give a full reply to Sterling at present. My book The Molecular Relationship will explain some things. Some of the disagreements Sterling notes are not disagreements. As I have taught in The Molecular Relationship - a time of great miracles and power is approaching us.
Concerning the Sign of the Son of Man - what else besides the Atomic Bomb would cause every single person on the earth to mourn? If this is fulfilled by some heavenly sign surely at least several people would rejoice at such a sign, but the scripture tells us that all will mourn. When we exploded the atomic bomb all did indeed mourn.
Concerning radioactivity, it is true that there is radioactivity in isotopes of elements lighter than radium, but any radioactivity of such elements in their natural state is negligible. Radium, and the heavy elements that have their seven electron layers (chakras) active, are radioactive in their natural state. Radium, the first element of such radioactivity, glows in the dark and corresponds to a human who has activated all seven chakras and is transfigured.
Sterling and others are expecting a very literal fulfillment of all the scriptures. All the scriptures are fulfilled on some level, but not always literally. For instance, in Mormon scriptures it is written:
D&C 84:3 Which city shall be built, beginning at the temple lot, which is appointed by the finger of the Lord, in the western boundaries of the State of Missouri, and dedicated by the hand of Joseph Smith, Jun., and others with whom the Lord was well pleased.
D&C 84:4 Verily this is the word of the Lord, that the city, New Jerusalem, shall be built by the gathering of the saints, beginning at this place, even the place of the temple, which temple shall be reared in this generation.
D&C 84:5 For verily this generation shall not all pass away until an house shall be built unto the Lord, and a cloud shall rest upon it, which cloud shall be even the glory of the Lord, which shall fill the house.
This prophecy definitely did not come to pass. The generation that was alive in the days of Joseph Smith has come and gone. Why was this prophecy not literally fulfilled? It would have been if Joseph had lived. He was given a revelation to go west to escape his impending death, but he did not obey. Therefore his death changed many future events and altered some of the prophecies written in the Mormon scriptures.
The plans for the gathering are quite a bit different now than they were in that age, and Jackson County will not be a gathering place in any immediate future. The whole Mormon experiment had many failures and the plans of the Christ were readjusted accordingly. Because of free will exact prophecy of all future events is not possible for even the highest being who resides on this planet.
Do you know of even one person who has studied the scriptures and made even one exact interpretation of prophesy from them in the last 100 years? Thousands have tried, but I do not know of one who has succeeded. If then all interpreters in the past have failed so miserably, what cause do we have that we can see them correctly?
To see the future with reasonable accuracy the key is not to look for literal fulfillment of scripture, but to the Holy Spirit within. I find that all things I have been told by the Spirit about things to come are much more accurate than a mental interpretation of scripture.
It is possible that there will be great destruction on this planet, but such does not have to be and is not desired by the Brotherhood of Light. They would much rather save than destroy. Many, today, are predicting tremendous earth changes, but there is one important ingredient around them that they are missing in their prophesies.
The major earth changes, and any following destructions, are awaiting the Gathering of Lights. When the lights are gathered, it will create a shift of energy, and light will be divided from the darkness upon the earth.
How many major natural destructions that come, will be dependent on the response of those in darkness to the light that will be manifest. If they allow the light to shine in the darkness, then we will pass quite peacefully into the coming age of peace. If, however, those in darkness resist the light and seek to destroy those who focus on it, an imbalance of energy will be created on the earth and major changes and destruction will occur.
Just as God sought to save the people of Nineveh despite the prophecy of destruction, even so do does Christ and the Masters around him seek the salvation of our humanity and for a deliverance of the majority on this earth.
The next thirty years will tell the tale. During this time period many fascinating things will happen, but Jesus will not come in clouds of glory the way people expect. If humanity were to fail miserably by 2030, then around that time period there could be drastic earth changes and some type of glorious deliverance of the lights could be necessary. But because humanity, as a whole, has progressed in their spiritual evolution even more than the Masters expected, the plan is to move the world into the age of peace with minimal destruction.
Nevertheless, our free will could still change things in either a positive or negative way. One of the main things the Brotherhood is now working to avoid is a nuclear conflict that could destroy our civilization as we know it.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved