2000-1-5 11:07:00
Blayne Writes:
So how do you expect the Kingdom of God to be established?
I thought I made that clear? As in community by community.
That's not clear at all - a very ambiguous answer.
Now how about you answering my many questions? You can even start with the one I just answered for you? Do you believe your peace plan will establish the kingdom?
A stable peace must be established upon the earth so the Kingdom of God can manifest. Project Peace and Goodwill is a plan to bring some stability among the nations.
JJ to Blayne
Do you think Jesus is going to show up in the clouds and zap the wicked and bury all the nukes?
Now JJ resorts to his preconceived idea of Christian nuts and tries to associate me with it to discredit me. What's your religious background JJ so I can use it to try and make you look foolish? No on second thought I will not lower myself to that level. But to answer your question any way, the wicked will destroy themselves if left to their own design and we can bury the nukes then :-)
I wasn't asking your background, but was sincerely curious as to your current belief. Lighten up a little. No one's out to get you.
The "wicked" have had thousands of years to destroy themselves and have not done so yet. What makes you think they will now?
JJ to Blayne:
"If not how is it to happen and what time frame do you see?"
It will happen one family at a time one community at a time, the time frame is totally up to us the kingdom is here we have but to embrace it.
JJ - Sounds like a plan, but we both have different ideas as to what "it" is.
JJ to Blayne:
"When the kingdom is established do you see the existence of any laws that must be enforced or do you think there will not be one burglar left on the planet?"
There are only 2 laws in heaven (really one but for understanding 2) Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as your self. Now if everyone has those written in their heart then does anyone have a disposition to oppress his brother or use violence etc. etc.? This is why Jesus said all the law and the prophets hang on these 2. If these things are practiced from the heart what need have we for enforcement? Can one force anyone to love his neighbor as himself? Can we have the kingdom of heaven without those 2 laws being written in the heart (they can't be enforced)? Isn't that what makes it heaven as opposed to what we have now?
And how else can we have heaven on earth as many of the writings of holy men of the earth past and present in many different cultures have described?
And no there will not be one burglar left on the planet if all have these in their heart! Till then its not heaven on earth till then we will need to defend against those who would oppress us in any way from the burglar to the government.
The trouble is that even thousands of years from now, not all on the earth will have learned the lesson of love. The first thing we must do is to live together in peace and tolerance. For instance, you seem very intolerant of the fact that I do not run around my neighborhood making a lot of unnecessary friends, memorizing everyone's names and doing good deeds. If we want to practice the law of love and goodwill, this list is a good place to start.
So there will not be one burglar left on the planet of billions of people.
What if I was there in this paradise and I decided to be a burglar? Will God zap me to keep the earth pure?
As long as there is free will, my friend, there will be people who make wrong decisions and do hurtful things - even during the coming age of peace.
We've gathered some of the best people in the world on this list, but still we would have friction if we tried to establish community together.
JJ to Blayne:
"Do you see all business as an agent of the Devil?"
No I see most business and commerce done at the expense of others for gain with no thought for the welfare of the whole but only for selfish gain. Like the guy selling windshield wipers cheaper in the summer then marks them up in the rainy season because he knows he can gouge people because their need is greater why does he do this but for his own gain at the expense of others. Now this may not seem like a big deal but apply it to just about everything. People do this to have a more comfortable lifestyle what they don't realize is they could all live like kings if they would cooperate more etc.
So if you found a rare penny worth $1000 because of its rarity would you sell it to me for a penny or be 'selfish" because it is in short supply and sell it for $1000. There is nothing evil about supply and demand. Where do you get such ideas - not from the scriptures.
JJ to Blayne
Do you presently work for a business yourself?
What has this got to do with anything?
A lot?you condemn business. I was wondering if you practice as you believe.
Actually I am in the process of withdrawing from all commerce. But yes I have worked in business most of my life till I realized what I was involved in and then began working towards getting out. But it is difficult because 99.9% of all goods and services come through this commerce system so one has to be involved in it till they learn to do without it and its not easy. But if you feel this makes me a hypocrite sorry to disappoint you we do what we can as we learn and discern.
And the commerce system will continue. The kingdom of God in the coming age will be established through just business principles. Time will verify my words.
Now since I had the courtesy to answer your questions please answer a few of mine.
Did you or did you not speak to John the Revelator?
The only answer I give on this is in posting #5
Do you claim to be the sole dispenser of light?
Of course not.
If not why do you claim all should consider your message but have little tolerance for anyone else's message?
People should consider all messages that may contain truth and run them by their souls. If they feel an inner confirmation then the seeker should run with it, but if he does not then don't.
Whose message do I not have tolerance for? If I see obvious flaws in some other message of course I will not embrace it and I hope you do the same or you cannot be true to yourself. I am tolerant of the right of others to express opinions different from my own.
If so why do you not proclaim your words as from God like past holy men and prophets?
Because that is not the way enlightened teachers are to teach in this age.
You may want to read my postings on the Beast. The first thing an unjust authority tries to do is set himself up as a mouthpiece for God. This forces a believer to follow without thinking. Instead I give out my teachings with no claims and you are free to take or leave them by reflecting them off your soul. This is the coming approach of all spiritual teachers, with rare exceptions.
If not what do you testify to as true?
That which is verified by the Spirit of God within us. Quite a number of people on the list have had truths so verified since they came on board - the Molecular Relationship for example.
How do you believe the kingdom of heaven will come and in what time frame?
The next thirty years will be a time of crucial preparation for the Coming of Christ and the manifestation of the Kingdom, but even after it manifests there will still be a lot of imperfection.
Do you believe there is commerce in heaven?
There is no physical need in the higher worlds, but there is still an exchange of ideas.
Do you believe peace, and a standing army to enforce such, are in harmony?
In the current stage of evolution, yes. There will come a time when we will need no armies to protect us. That could happen within 200 years if we play our cards right.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved