2000-1-4 20:32:00
I don't think we really disagree if we look at the same scenario.
Let us look at a possible situation in the Sixties if we had employed the Swiss idea. Russia has enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world several times over with the largest standing army. We have no standing army in place, thus have no one trained to handle offensive weapons unless called up by our government.
The USSR now issues an ultimatum: "In three hours we are sending ICBM's that will destroy your twelve major cities, unless you immediately agree to replace all government leaders with our loving staff." If we had incorporated the Swiss plan we would have been powerless in that situation.
In the early days of this country, no standing army was a feasible idea for the highest technology was a musket. You call up a person in those days from the farm and he is trained about as well as anyone, but not so today.
There does have to be a readiness to respond, not in months, but in minutes to insure the preservation of liberty.
I agree that our military has been misused. The latest fiasco was Kosovo. This is why we the people must get more involved and make sure the government stays in check. If Molecular Politics were implemented much of this type of thing would be eliminated.
One problem is that if you have a leader who is bent on being the policeman of the world, if there is not a standing army, he would call one up. This is why we need to carefully examine who we elect as our President.
By the way, Switzerland cowardly remained neutral during World War II and made great profits dealing with gold from death camps. The neutral nations were last on Hitler's list to invade, but they would have had their turn if Hitler had won the war.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved