2000-1-2 09:48:00
Great to see Glenys back again. Her words are never really off topic.
Several have questioned my posting about my seemingly cavalier attitude toward preparedness. Blayne quoted this scripture as evidence that we are supposed to be prepared:
"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
"But know this, that if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
"Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
"Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
"Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing." Matt 24:42-46
This scripture has to do with the second coming of Christ and can be interpreted on several levels.
First you must live your life with spiritual preparedness so when the time comes that you have an opportunity to be visited by the Master (which shall come at an entirely unexpected hour) that you will be ready.
Secondly, we must be prepared in every way spiritually so we can recognize him when he comes again "as a thief in the night."
The fact is I am all for preparedness, but I join with the Master Jesus in not putting undue attention on preparations for the unnecessary for he says:
"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Matt 6:34
The key phrase here is: "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." What does this mean? It means we have enough evils to worry about in the present day without being bogged down with tomorrow's worries that usually never even come to pass.
Here are some great worries that never came to pass in my lifetime. A nuclear war with Russia. I had a bomb shelter as my bedroom in the early sixties because of the worry over nuclear war. Many in my church at that time believed the end of the world was coming before 1970.
Between about 1965-1980 conspiracy theories were being spread like crazy and the hidden enemy was so strong that there was no fighting him. About all this antiChrist power had to do was to pick the date and the world was his. Every year a new date was picked for the takeover and nothing happened. Finally things got intense. They replaced Jimmy Carter with an actor, so they said. You could tell he wasn't the real Jimmy Carter because he parted his hair on the wrong side. Many members of his cabinet were also said to be replaced. Things were all ready for the great takeover. Time passed and nothing came of this worry.
I believe it was the late sixties that several Psychics predicted that California would sink into the sea and the new coastline would be in Idaho. A date was even set and many people became very nervous. A top song was even created around the idea. The date came and went and nothing happened. All those people that moved from California to Idaho and other safe areas wasted their time.
One of my Brothers-In-Law had a revelation that there would be a nuclear war in 1972 and moved from Los Angeles to southern Utah in order to escape the destruction, but he has since passed away and the destruction never came.
In 1979, under Jimmy Carter, the Prime rate hit 20% and it seemed as if we would never see good times again. Many felt we were headed toward a depression that would make the great depression look good, but things turned around with Reagan's optimistic policies and now we are going through an unprecedented financial prosperity.
A few years ago everyone was worried about the Japanese dominating the world financially. The US and other countries sent representatives there to learn what they were doing. Then a few years later it is the United States that is dominating and now other countries worry about us and are trying to learn and copy what we do.
In recent times many have been predicting the end of the world for 1996, 97, 98, 99 and now finally 2000. Now 2000 has come and there is no end. Some will say this is not the true millennium and shoot for 2001 as the real end, but these people again will suffer disappointment.
The most recent scare of course, has been Y2K. Intelligent arguments were made on both sides of the scare and each person had to decide for himself, if the concern was great enough, to make a lot of preparations.
These are just a handful of scares that I have lived through in my lifetime that have not materialized. In fact every world catastrophe that has happened in my life was things that no one predicted. After the event, of course, magazines like the National Enquirer displayed psychics who claimed credit for such predictions, but they were always published after the date of the happening.
So why are so many deceived by false prophesies of doom time after time? One of the main reasons is that, because of a misunderstanding of the scriptures and a tendency of the natural man to expect the worst, there is a negative thought form that hovers over the human race. This thought form is composed of the negative energy of millions of people's thoughts and fears over thousands of years, and to tap into the Oneness Principle and discover true preparations that must be made for the future, this dark cloud of illusion must be penetrated.
The arrival of the year 2000 with no negative incident created an optimism that disperses part of the cloud. Many have great relief that Y2K did not happen and will look with more skepticism at the next prediction of doom. It would be sad if the next major prediction was a true one for it may be like the boy who cried wolf.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved