1999-12-19 11:57:00
Let us get back to our long delayed subject about principles of discovery of truth. Here is what we have covered so far.
(1) Take the things you know (for reasonable surety) to be true and use them as a foundation or stepping-stones for testing additional truths.
(2) Be willing to let these foundation beliefs be either altered or dropped as some of them are replaced by higher vision.
(3) The teaching should be in harmony with common sense
(4) It should increase the power of Decision and free will.
(5) It should bring you to a new level of awareness and usefulness.
(6) Seek out true sources of knowledge, study and incorporate them into your life. Knowledge dispels error and illusion.
(7) Gather all the reliable information you can about a subject of interest and try and see the principles suggested by the data. Then draw conclusions and run the conclusions by your soul and see if you receive a response.
(8) Follow all the aspects of the Will of God that is within your perception and your sensitivity to the truth will increase.
(9) Another instrument of discovery of truth is the Process of Elimination.
How do you suppose this principle works? Have you used it yourself to discover truth? Many of us have used this in the game "Twenty Questions."
The next two principles are suggested in the following hints
Hint One: It is important for the student to understand the vocabulary of the teacher and the teacher to define his terms. Reading between the lines is important. What is the key word around this principle of discovery?
Hint Two: A thousand facts will barely jar the door, but this snaps the lock and swings the door wide open to revelation. What is this concept and how is it used in discovery?
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved