1999-12-17 11:59:00
Sterling asks for more clarification of the mighty change of heart spoken of in the scriptures that happens to one who has humbled himself through baptism unto the receiving of the Holy Spirit. In the Bible this is also called being "born again" or becoming a "new man in Christ."
In the modern revelations from the Christ, and His Hierarchy or the Brotherhood of Light, this change of heart and the reception of the Holy Spirit, leading newness of spiritual life, is called the first initiation.
Overall there are nine initiations, seven to be taken on this planet.
The first is that which leads to the path of discipleship and is also called "the birth of Christ in the Heart." For many ages we identify with the lower self. First we think we are merely bodies. Later we discover we are feelings and identify with them. Then as we progress we learn to use mind and come to believe that we are our thoughts. Finally, we become frustrated as the emotions create illusion and the mind slays the real and we search for higher guidance.
The time finally comes that either by ordinance or by a rise in consciousness that we release ourselves of guilt and yield ourselves by faith to the possibility that something higher flows through us. When this happens we do not, in reality, receive something new. Instead we become aware of the Holy Spirit which has always been there. It seems like we are receiving it because we become aware of it's presence for the first time. When we become aware of the Spirit and commit ourselves to follow It, we have the beginning of a new life with a spiritual, instead of carnal, direction.
The thing to keep in mind is this is the beginning of a new round of eternal progression and is far from an end point. There are levels of contact after the Spirit is contacted. It ranges from the almost indiscernible "still Small Voice" to the baptism of fire.
The spiritual fire is given you in various degrees to give a positive assurance that you are headed the right direction. Some have received this in connection to the teachings I have given out. This does not mean I am infallible, but it does mean that they are generally taking you toward Spirit and not matter.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved