1999-12-12 02:06:00
A very thorough set of questions Zina. I'm sure that others are wondering about the answers and I will attempt to get to them shortly.
I have just a few minutes before we go see the Movie "The End of Days," so I will comment on Saul's post.
He said:
"One doesn't go through the full experience of confrontation between the dweller on the threshold and the angel of the presence up until the time of taking the 3rd initiation. Jesus came into the life as son of Mary and Joseph as a third degree initiate. The transfiguration scene was just a symbolic reenactment of the third initiation he took in his past life."
John was correct in saying that we have to earn the initiations all over again in each life
If you die a third degree initiate and are reborn you still have to learn to crawl, walk and speak all over again. In addition you have to learn to multiply, add, divide and reacquire the consciousness and knowledge to pass through the portals of initiation. There is a difference, however.
Just as one who learned to play a piano in a past life will have an easier time in this one, so will a third degree initiate have an easier time reaching the three degrees than will a disciple who has not yet achieved in the past.
Have you noticed in life though that those with talent often take themselves for granted and get lazy and not apply that which has come easy to them? Then another will come along with no talent and struggle like the dickens and pass beyond he who had the natural talent.
Even so some high initiates come to the earth and get lazy and do not advance to where they were in the past and do not perform the labors expected of them. This is one of the meanings of the words of Jesus: "The first shall be last and the last first."
You are correct that Jesus did come in as a third degree initiate, but he did have to reacquire the consciousness achieved in his past. Then he took the fourth initiation in the Garden after the betrayal of Judas.
The Christ did not have to repeat past initiations because he entered the body of Jesus in full awareness of his past, but did advance through the sixth and the beginning of his seventh through the confrontation in the garden of Gethsemane and the subsequent resurrection.
"The Christ came as the Christ a fifth degree initiate. It was not possible for him to truly experience the terrifying experience associated with the third initiation."
You are correct here. It was Jesus who dealt with the dweller in the forty days of fasting.
"If vicarious redemption was taken as a misconception, the Christ would not possibly be facing the dweller on the threshold for all humanity either. When one is confronted with the dweller on the threshold they do it not just for themselves but for all humanity as well. This is the same in the case of all individuals as in the case of the Christ."
I'm not sure where you get this idea. When faced with the Dweller you will be more alone than you have ever been and will be concerned about your very survival, body and soul. Thinking about humanity as a whole will be the last thing on your mind at this point. However, in order to approach this point you have to have to the good of humanity at heart beforehand.
"Your reference to Christ's terrifying experience in facing the dweller on the threshold for humanity, JJ, must just be a figure of speech or a symbolic portraying."
No. I am talking about a literal Dweller here, much more powerful than the one we face as individuals. The Christ was the first to penetrate it, but humanity as a whole did much to face and work through this great illusionary being during World Wars I and II. This Dweller still lives but is weakened. It must be neutralized to bring in the new age of peace we are expecting.
In addition there is another dweller for the entire planet earth that feeds not only on the negativity of humanity but the entire planet earth as well as the mental and astral realms. This includes the human race, the Masters, the animals, vegetables and lives on the earth as well as within. This dweller must be faced by the Ancient of Days himself, an awesome task.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved