1999-12-8 11:42:00
Congratulations Sterling on the birth of your first child. The experience of the first-born is like nothing you will have again even though all your children will be special.
It may seem kind of funny now but I was just glad (at the birth of my first) to discover I could father a normal child. Birth is such a miracle it just seemed miraculous that a beautiful child could come from my seed when the process of such creation is so far beyond my knowledge.
Welcome back Karen. Hope you stay with us this time. And welcome Jina and others who are new.
Interesting dream Jina. Whenever anyone makes a step forward in spiritual evolution he has to earn that step by facing a temporary aloneness and spiritual blackout. If you continue to stumble through the darkness, no matter what, then the light will come back and completely dispel the darkness and the step forward will then become a reality.
The question:
Let us pick two other ordinances. After baptism, the early apostles laid hands on the persons and they were then supposed to receive the Holy Ghost. Now the dead work was the laying on of hands. What was the living work or meaning? Christ also instituted the act of sacrament or Eucharist by eating bread and drinking wine to take upon themselves the body and blood of Christ. What is the living meaning behind this?
Concerning the laying on of hands Jina says:
"The "living work or meaning of laying on of hands" would be not just to transfer the Holy Spirit, as you said, but also possibly signifying an acceptance into the "brotherhood" of Jesus?"
"The physical act means nothing without the openness and purity of heart."
"I think the real meaning here is the transfer of spiritual energy or power by disciples. In the bible to be touched by the hand of God was to receive the manifestation of His Spirit or divine strength. We know that the hand has chakras - or centres of power - and this power can be transferred through them to heal both physically and emotionally. This is evidenced not only by the healings of Jesus but by genuine healers today. When a disciple lays hands on someone the door is opened for the power or Spirit of God to enter the recipient's life in a process that is unparalleled in its effects.
"As an aside, I once read that the hand is the synthesis of male and female. It is passive in what it contains and active in what it holds. It also differentiates man from all animals and serves to differentiate the objects which it touches or shapes. The hands can change lives through the power of touch."
Good comments.
To fully understand this it must be looked at in connection with baptism. Baptism is a symbol of the removal of error and making a change in life from the physical to the spiritual. This is such a dramatic change it is referred to as a symbol of a new birth. When one truly follows the living principle behind baptism he will enter the path of Spirit as guilt free as a new born baby.
I was at the birth also of all my children and one thing I noticed is that the baby seems lifeless and does not appear alive until he takes his first breath. One of my children spent over a minute in this condition before he breathed and it made me quite nervous. I can imagine how a parent would feel with a stillborn.
Thus to complete the life of a new birth, the spirit from God must enter into the body.
In the days of the Apostles there was first a symbolic baptism followed by a short period of waiting for the Spirit, just as the parent waits for the spirit to enter the new baby. Then there was a laying on of hands and through a living link to the tree of life, the Spirit flowed stimulating new life from the crown chakra on down. All seven chakras vibrated a little higher according to the consciousness of the seeker and a new life of belonging to the body of Christ was created.
A number of Churches use the laying on of hands today, some claiming authority and some not, but even this sacred act will be a dead work if the process is all that is followed with no living connection and awareness of the link with the Spirit flowing through you as well as all the Brotherhood of Light.
The Spirit of new life, flowing through the hands into the new disciple, is usually necessary to create the baptism of fire mentioned in connection with Jesus. In this age, the true baptism of fire is very rare and only comes through a high demonstration of faith. The reason it is rare is that the connecting link (as taught in the Molecular Relationship) is not currently secured on the earth. When it is, the baptism of fire will become much more common as well as the return of miracles.
Now let us examine the meaning behind the bread and wine of communion.
After Jesus fed the five thousand with fishes and loaves and the crowds pressed toward him thinking that this miracle worker may be their meal ticket for all their needs, Jesus grew a little sad and impatient with their selfish thoughts so he shouted out: "Except a man eat my flesh and drink my blood he has no part with me."
This statement shocked and horrified many. Many concluded that he must have been doing miracles by the power of the devil to make such a statement and got away from him as fast as they could. Some of his own Apostles doubted his sanity as he turned to them and asked: "Will you also leave me?"
Then Peter answered and said: "Lord, we have no where else to go. You have the words of eternal life."
Jesus explained to them that if one eats his flesh and drinks his blood then, as the Father dwells in him through the Spirit, so will Christ dwell in them. They thus all become part of one living body. Finally he clarified the true meaning of eating and drinking the flesh and blood of Christ.
"It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." (John 6:63) In other words, he was saying that the actual eating of real flesh would profit nothing. The true meat and drink that he was feeding them were his words, for his words were life because they were in harmony with Spirit.
Thus if we go to church and eat bread and liquid in remembrance of Christ, the actual physical eating "profiteth nothing" as Jesus said, for this by itself is a dead work. What does profit us is to take in the words of life as we eat and drink, or better still make the words of life themselves your meat and drink.
How this is done is one of the keys of eternal life leading to the overcoming of death, but in the meantime those who are ready will receive light from the Oneness Principle on the subject and much benefit can be derived there from.
Hopefully we can next cover the sacrifice of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane.
The scriptures say that Jesus suffered such agony in the garden of Gethsemane before his crucifixion that he sweated blood. Most Christians believe this suffering was his bearing our sins. Others think it was a dread of the crucifixion. Do you think this is true? If not what do you suppose is the true cause of his agony as he prayed there?
One answer is given in the Molecular Relationship, but there is another not mentioned there.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved