1999-11-29 11:55:00
Welcome to the list, Sterling and all you wish to bring with you. I'm sure you will be a valuable addition to the group.
Let us tabulate the principles of discovery covered so far.
The Question:
Even though your foundation beliefs are great stepping-stones there does come a time when you will discover that some of them are either not true or founded upon partial truth. What makes this discovery possible?
What are some common erroneous foundation beliefs that we see about us?
For illusionary foundation beliefs Susan wrote:
- "We" have a corner on the truth. "We" have it and you don't.
- You only have one shot at life, you better do it right.
- Evil is more powerful than good.
- I'm not responsible.....for what happens to me, for what kind of leaders are leading, for the ills of this world etc, etc
- It's so screwed up there is no hope.
Good point here. Some would say that the truth is that good and evil are equal, but such is not so. Good is the dominant of the two and this is the reason that our progression moves forward as an eternal spiral. If good and evil were exactly equal then we would be going in circles for eternity.
Djwahl Khul speaks of the law of dominating good as follows:
Disease is the Product of, and subject to, three influences. First, a man's past, wherein he pays the price of ancient error. Second, his inheritance, wherein he shares with all mankind those tainted streams of energy which are of group origin. Thirdly, he shares with all the natural forms that which the Lord of Life imposes on His body. These three influences are called The Ancient Law of Evil Sharing. This must give place some day to that new Law of Ancient Dominating Good which lies behind all that God made. This law must be brought into activity by the spiritual will of man.
A law of Dominating Good lies behind all that God has made. That thought registers well with the soul.
I liked Margaret's comment about her alteration of a foundation belief:
When my mind was satisfied, then the new information actually thrilled every fiber of my being! I sat back from studying Strong's concordance and felt a glow growing inside. Now I had to reorganize my belief system(s) but it felt wonderful to do so: freeing; expanding; powerful new vistas.
I could really relate to this as it has happened several times to me in my life. It can be very troubling when a foundation belief is disturbed, but then when the barriers are let down there is great joy when higher truth is accepted.
Rick mentions a foundation belief of a black and white view of the Bible. This indeed turns into a mind set that can blind people to higher truth. Actually, this is more the fault of a false teacher than it is of the Bible itself.
How about problem foundation beliefs on the other side of the fence in the New Age community? Can you name a couple?
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved