Credit Where Credit is Due

1999-11-21 04:24:00

Zina writes:
"I am also glad JJ that you have posted your comments on how you see Saul's responses, and why you saw them as continually challenging your teachings. I guess I did not see the challenge, I simply looked at the different perspective, and saw a value and a truth within it."

The word "challenge" is your choice of words not mine. I see that he disagrees with some of my teachings. The only challenge I feel here is in making me clear.

I certainly do not meet the criteria of being a student of JJ's.

The criteria for being a student are that he or she feels he or she can receive helpful information and especially principles from me. The second criterion is that the student does his best to stay within the curriculum.

There are no criteria for being on this list, except to be a fairly decent human being. Rick and I both ask that all support the direction of the class. We are attempting to make this a directed course of study rather than a free-for all. Focus will just get more difficult as the list grows.

Adjustments may have to be made for the sake of the many.

So it seems like it is also my turn to try out the lurking mode of operation.

I know you do not look on me as a teacher at present. That is as it happens in the law of cycles. I wish you happy lurking but know you well enough to guess that you will not lurk forever. I'm sure I will push your buttons from time to time and we will see your words on the screen again. Remember, that I gave a similar prediction the last time you left.

"One thing I would request or recommend of JJ is that when information is put forward from Alice Bailey or any one else for that matter, that perhaps it be referenced as such, so that those reading, can go to Alice Bailey for further clarification etc. It would also then give the credit where credit is due."

You told me this in an e-mail some time ago and I asked you for an example and you gave me none. I do attempt to give credit to Alice A. Bailey and others when I quote their material. A certain amount of overlap will occur from one teacher to the next and it would interrupt the flow of the teachings to reference every statement that has occurred in teachings past.

About 80-90% of what I write is either a new slant in principles and teachings or entirely fresh material that has not been presented before to the best of my knowledge. There have been numerous instances where my teachings have referenced AAB and others when it seemed appropriate.

Then there are other times that part of a paragraph I present has some material that has been taught in the past but mixed in with original material. Christ going to Sirius and being replaced by another master for example was taught by Djwahl Khul through Alice A. Bailey. When this mixture occurs I find it is sometimes distracting to give a reference.

Alice A. Bailey had the same problem. When she was using an obvious parallel to past writings she gave a reference, but there are many of her writings where she could have given a reference, but did not either because it would have been distracting or because the past teaching was being restated in a new and unique way.

I am most likely to recite a teaching from the past when I am asked a question. The answers to many questions already have been given out there somewhere. When I steer the group back toward the course we are on that is when I will be presenting the highest percentage of new material.

I have been asked a number of times about my sources of material. Some feel that I must be taking it out of some already published book, but I assure you that much of what I have presented and will present is not in any book yet published.

Zina has told me that she has only recently started reading Alice A. Bailey so she may assume that I use her material more than I do. On the other hand, there are members on the list who are seasoned students of Bailey and theosophical writings. Glenys and Xavier are two and I know there are others who have mentioned it. Those who have studied many past metaphysical writings such as John W will realize that I do give reference whenever it is practical and that the material I present is not rehashed from past teachings.

I do agree with Adrian that Alice A. Bailey laid a great foundation for modern metaphysical thought. Many modern teachers use her material and claim it as their own, yet have nothing new to add. Through her the Master Djwahl Khul has presented a wealth of material that will yet take many sages to fully comprehend.

There is one more thing to mention in this line of thought. Sometimes I receive light through the Oneness Principle or other means and then I may be reading the Bible, Bailey or some other inspired writings and I find that the teaching is hidden in there.

Take the Molecular Relationship for example. I had not read about such a thing anywhere, but after I received it I found many hints of it in the Bible as well as DK's writings. These hints have been available for 2000 years as far as the Bible is concerned, but humanity (especially the religions) just never got the hint.

Our next main subject we will be covering will be the Gathering of Lights.

This subject is talked about more in the Bible that any other, much more than love and peace, yet none that I know of understand the principle as we will be laying it out. Even though many references have been made in the Bible to the gathering principle it was never clearly explained there or in any metaphysical book I know of. As I said before the people in the days of Columbus knew what earth-circle-ship was but when these items were combined into the idea that the earth was a sphere the thinking of the world was changed forever.

If anyone feels that I am not giving appropriate references please feel free to call me on it and I will be honest with you about it.

As long as we are talking of references there is one in particular that I must not leave out and that is the Holy Spirit which stimulates the Oneness Principle and brings all knowledge, especially from principles, to the mind of the seeker.