1999-11-20 11:11:00
Peter writes:
JJ, you mentioned that "The Christ is the title held by the Spirit that was in Jesus as we taught earlier." Just to make sure I understand, the Spirit that represents the Christ title today, is not the Christ Spirit (incarnation of Melchizedek) that descended into the body of Jesus during the baptism, but the original Spirit of Jesus (incarnation of Joshua). If this is correct, I'm assuming that the later Spirit (incarnation of Joshua) achieved this title when he beat death on the cross. As a result, the Spirit of Melchizedek went to the great solar system of Sirius for further schooling. Is this correct?
The entity who was Melchizedek entered into the body of Jesus at his baptism. This is the one who still holds the office of the Christ and is the same who must make His presence known to fulfill the prophecies of the second coming. He will "reign a thousand years" and then move on to higher learning.
The other entity who was Joshua from the time of Moses born as Jesus will not be the one who is the second coming. The plan is for him to become the Messiah that the Jews are still waiting for. Thus we will have Jesus and the Christ working on the earth this time as two separate entities, one as messiah to the Jews and the other as a world teacher. The hope is for Jesus to prepare the Jewish people to accept the higher teachings of the Christ.
When they are doing their work they will be known by different names than Jesus and Christ. A lot of the spiritual work will be done before the world at large realizes that anything unusual is happening.
One more note on Moses. He worked with a triangle of energy through his Higher Self, the Masters (at that time most did not originate from earth) and the Ancient of Days at Shamballa. Most of the work was done through a direct connection with his higher self, but he did make contact with The Ancient of Days. Because of this great triangle of energy he was able to perform some of the greatest miracles in history.
There will be a higher correspondence to the time of Moses when the Molecules are created. There will again be a triangle formed between the Spiritual life behind the Molecule, the Brotherhood of Light and the Ancient of Days. When the energies of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost become one upon the earth all things become possible.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved