1999-11-19 11:33:00
I just have time for a short post at this time. I should be able to catch up on things tomorrow.
I think it is a great idea to makes tapes of the writings, I have been considering doing it with Book I especially. Brian or Laura, do you have access to recording equipment?
Peter asks some more questions:
JJ, thanks for spending time answering my question. I do understand the Father/Son and teacher/student relationship and that any spirit above our own spiritual evolution is a Father/God to us. But to help me understand further for purpose of prayer, when we say "Our Father, who art in heaven..." are we referring to the Christ of this planet, or the Ancient of Days, or to the one originating life?"
All lives that are a higher octave in evolution than yourself are one with God in their consciousness and thus your prayer to the Father will be picked up by the entity most suitable to answer it. Most often it is your Higher Self, sometimes it will be a person from the Spirit World, and once in a while it will be a Master. If your prayer does not ascend to a higher octave it may be processed by your higher mind and its assistance can be given. The Ancient of Days shares awareness of all lives on the planet, but does not respond to them individually. He touches all lives through a hierarchical or Molecular Relationship. He has many helpers.
Peter: "Is the Christ title today held by the spirit of Jesus?"
The Christ is the title held by the Spirit that was in Jesus as we taught earlier.
Peter: What is the difference in purpose/role between the Christ and the Ancient of Days for this planet?
Just as the human body has seven centers so does the planet Earth. The Brotherhood of Light, often called the Masters of the Hierarchy, is the heart center and as an expression of love/wisdom energy is presided over by the Christ.
Shamballa corresponds to the Head Center and is an expression of Will-Power-Purpose and is Presided over by The Ancient of Days who is called by many names, most commonly Sanat Kumara. He is the Father in relationship to Christ as well as the whole planet.
Peter: Also, was Moses speaking to the Christ, The Ancient of Days, or some entity in between their molecular hierarchy.
JJ: Moses spoke with his Higher Self who was linked with the Masters. The Ten Commandments were written by the hand of Moses while in the translated state. This was why his face shined like the sun when he came down from the Mountain. It was said that the writing was done by the finger of God because Moses was in the Godlike state and one with God while he wrote the law. He lived in this state for 40 days without food or water.
Peter: "What happens to the spirit of Christ after it serves its mission for 1000 years?"
Christ will go to the great solar system of Sirius where an advanced lodge of the Brotherhood resides. There he will complete his 8th and 9th initiations. He will leave here the first or greatest of the human family and will enter schooling there as a neophyte. Thus the eternal principle, the first shall be last and the last first, works itself out.
When he leaves he will be replaced by the Master KH who will assume the position of the Christ for the planet.
When our current Christ completes his initiations on Sirius he will return to our planet in the far future and assist us once again.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved