1999-11-17 11:07:00
John, I love your statement: "What we dare to do we have the power to do." Did you just make that up or is it a quote?
Concerning the starting of organizations I like the statement of Isaiah: "He that believeth does not make haste." The most important thing at present is to promote the ideas of peace and see how healthy the response is. You have yet to read the Declaration of Peace which is the core of the treatise. Nevertheless, I am glad to see a new budding initiate in Travis for he seeks to initiate. Don't let me discourage you. I just want to make sure we lay a secure foundation to any organization we create.
My thanks go out to all of you who posted lately. Sorry I do not have time to comment tonight. I'll be posting Catching Up Part II soon and hope that will make me current in commenting on your comments.
Welcome to the list Dino. My feelings on Zecharia Sitchin's Books are similar to other comments made. I once picked up his Twelfth Planet and read about ten pages and never picked up one of his books again. I feel that he has some things that are true, but many are not. I did not sense that any principles would be presented.
Nevertheless, it is entirely possible that books which do not impress me will stimulate great interest in another. Sometimes even books containing great errors will stimulate a person to search. The true seeker will often have his soul speak to him between the lines.
I have already written quite a bit on soul contact so I thought I would take some of my past writings and repost them.
Below are some of my writings about the subject.
In the case of spiritual teachings, the ultimate test of truth is from the inner self. This inner self, through the medium of the Soul, contacts and registers the Holy Spirit, which is capable of verifying all true principles. In short, this process is called "soul contact." Soul contact has little to do with facts, except in important circumstances, but it has much to do with principles. For instance, your soul may not verify to you what an inhabitant of Sirius looks like or how many there are, but it will verify to you the principle of life and its existence elsewhere in the universe.
If a man or woman comes forth and presents or is presented as a spiritual teacher, you must not accept him or her (we'll say "him" for simplicity) just because a claim is made. You must test him.
How do you test him? Listen to his words and test them with your soul. If your soul says no then drop him immediately. If your soul says nothing then test some more until you receive an inner response. When you finally do receive an inner response does this mean you should now accept the teacher?
Maybe yes, maybe no - because there is a true soul contact and a false one.
There are many people who are sincere seekers who have never in their life received a true soul contact and therefore mistake a high emotional feeling for soul. This can be very deceptive and can produce the type of person who may have from a harmless delusion to one who will destroy others for his master. If you are not sure you have ever received soul contact it means you have not, because when you do, you recognize it and know what has happened. It is like coming home.
On the other hand, not all who are sure they have received soul contact have received it. Some feel a high emotional energy and are sure they have touched the aura of God Himself, yet are completely deceived.
Only those who have received true soul contact can know a thing for sure and can recognize a true teacher from a false one. The only way to know if another has achieved soul contact is to achieve it yourself. One person who has received this contact can recognize another who has received it.
Question: If only a small number have soul contact and you're not positive if you have, are you doomed to be deceived?
No you are not. Soul contact is available to all who with pure intent seek after it. You do not even have to be highly evolved to feel it. But if you are not sure if you have received it yet, then here are some guidelines to keep you on the right course.
(1) Keep your intentions pure and seek the service of the whole above the service to the ego.
(2) Seek with sincerity to know more and to go higher.
(3) Let common sense rule above lower emotional feeling. If your teacher says that Aliens are coming to pick you up on a certain date and then they don't arrive, that ought to tell you something. No matter what excuses he makes he was wrong and now all his teachings should be suspect. Maybe you should be teaching him.
(4) When any degree of soul contact is reached and you receive direction from the soul, keep following that instruction until more is given. If you do not, you may be cut off for a long period and wind up in an illusionary path. Always follow the highest you can perceive.
(5) Remember the words of the Master: "Straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life and few there be who enter, but wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to death and many there be who go therein." The teachers of the wide gate are legion and are easy to find. The teachers who lead to the life of the soul are few, but fortunately can be verified by the soul. As one who claims to present true spiritual principles, I invite you to check with your souls about me, for the only authority I will ever use will be the same authority that I am subject to. If the One Holy Spirit of Truth speaks through me and you together, we will be as one mind.
One with soul contact can find more truth in the National Enquirer than one who is in illusion can find in the Bible.
The Christ consciousness is something else and is achieved by the individual contacting the soul energy within him. The soul is the point within you where the interplay of Spirit and matter is taking place. Thus when we talk about soul contact we are talking about putting our attention and consciousness on this still point within that tells Spirit what matter is doing and matter what Spirit is doing. The Christ consciousness is a key to becoming a knower in the worlds of form as well as the formless worlds.
Soul contact is THE most important thing for us all to learn for only by learning the principle can we all become as one mind yet retain our complete free will.
I was touched by Tracy's comments. In particular, her question:
"But why is seeking God such a challenge for me? Is it the same for anyone or everyone else out there?" Then she also asked about soul contact. This would be an appropriate subject for us to explore next.
I see Garrett has been paying ATTENTION and gathered together even more on the subject than I remembered saying about it. Then he added:
"I hope this helps Tracey. The main reason many of us are here is to get to soul contact. We seem to be taking the scenic route to get there though. What the heck, JJ is doing the driving, so I'll sit back and try to soak it all in. Wait...I see a sign post up ahead...it says Soul Contact 1/4 mile.
"Here we go! (the only question is...at what speed are we traveling?)"
Garrett, I'm sure you made not only me, but many others, smile at this comment, yet, take serious note at the same time. But perhaps you have already received soul contact because you are right. It is only 1/4 mile ahead - How did you know that?
Rick gave some great comments on the subject and all his words in his post are worthy of consideration.
Seriously though everything we have covered so far is essential material to reach the kingdom of the soul because as long as the beast is alive and well in us, our spiritual vision is blocked, as if we are in a fog. We must become aware of the name of God in our foreheads. It is already there. We must merely still ourselves and let the clouds clear away.
Even though this sounds easy, the journey to the kingdom of God is most difficult and has many pitfalls. The higher lives are not just sitting around waiting for you to merely declare that you are ready. You must make yourself useful as a tool in their hands to get their attention.
Your soul which is a midway point between matter and spirit, is, however, ever waiting and always present for you. The fact that you are a member of this list and reading these words is itself a sign that you have passed through many lifetimes of struggle and are in preparation for higher contact.
When one has established firm soul contact it becomes almost impossible to take offense and if offense is given, it is generally by accident or because the other party is offended at simple truth.
Thus if you are taking offense at trivia or personality differences you are demonstrating then you are not learning the prime lesson that is intended to be taught here.
When I joined this list I considered the most important thing I could share with you. The answer was easy. That is anything I could do to enhance and clarify the soul contact of others would be a valuable service. Actually presenting a teaching that may stimulate that contact is the difficult part.
Answer: To my knowledge the principle of illusion has never been explained so average seekers can understand it, yet it is the final block to full soul contact. If I can lead just one person to greater contact then that produces a tremendous benefit because each person who reaches this level influences many people for good. You were also not very enthused about studying the beast yet many of those who followed along received considerable benefit.
Therefore all my teachings directly to any student will carry no other authority other than the "Name of the Father/Mother God within." What I say may or may not be true. As you experience soul contact you will check and become your own authority.
The current question is: How can DECISION and ATTENTION be used to increase soul contact?
Several came close on the decision part. That is we must decide to reach or maintain soul contact.
Actually, more important than this is to decide to follow the highest that you know and receive from your inner self. Just deciding something like "I will receive soul contact today or next week" is not enough. If one is penniless and decides to have a new car tomorrow he will generally be disappointed. If one decides to have a new car and take the time and make the effort necessary to get it then there's a good chance he will receive it.
Similarly, the decision required of us that is most important is the decision to do that which is necessary to receive and maintain soul contact. Then when you receive contact you must then decide whether or not it is worth the effort necessary to keep the channel open enough to keep the contact continuous.
After these decisions are made then ATTENTION must be focused on the soul or "the light in the head" as some writings have it. Another way some teachers have worded this is to "keep your mind focused in the light."
Here is what happens after the first few glances at soul contact. When soul contact is first reached the entity has many more energies vying for his attention on the lower planes than the higher. Even though the contact brought a sense of peace and high vibration, this was not enough to keep his attention focused on the things necessary to sustain this. The distractions of the lower world draw the attention away and the focus is taken away from the soul and to the lower vibration. This shift does not happen immediately, but over a period of several days and the shift is so subtle that when the attention is shifted to the lower self the entity will often still believe he is in the soul.
If you are in a room with an adjustable light and turn it down gradually over a period of say, an hour, you can have the light diminished by about seventy per cent and never notice it. Then if you suddenly turn the light back immediately to full strength you will be startled to learn how much light you have lost. But you would not realize this unless you turned the light back on to full strength.
So it is with the soul. Until we learn to keep our minds focused steady in the light through ATTENTION to the soul or light, we will slip away from that light many times and have to have the power turned on again and again until we finally tire of losing contact and do something about it through the focus of attention.
Several have mentioned the importance of meditation and how bad they are at it. Meditation does not necessarily bring soul contact. There are those who meditate all their lives and never achieve it. More important than meditation is contemplation. Contemplation is a positive aspect of meditation and is more active and takes a person in the direction of the soul if ATTENTION is used and the heart is pure.
This is the purpose of the Intuitive Principle - to cause you to contemplate on questions in hope of touching the soul. Meditation without contemplation can bring some health benefits and calmness along with some discipline, but this alone does not insure soul contact.
When a person's intention is for the good of the whole and he is totally honest with himself about why is performs his service then his heart is pure. If your heart is pure, and the three obstacles are under control, then the doorway to the soul swings open wide. If you are then willing to go through the door soul contact becomes a reality. If you are willing to follow where that contact leads you then more contact Becomes possible.
When you learn to always respond to higher communication then constant communion becomes a reality.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved