1999-11-16 20:05:00
Thanks for the supporting words Roger, but it seems that either your post or mine was so profound that it silenced everyone. Maybe we need another question. I was waiting for the time to comment on the members answers to the last one, but instead I think I'll ask another and cover both this and the last set of questions in one post.
We are presently approaching a potential age of peace, a time that has been looked for over thousands of years by prophets, enlightened teachers and disciples.
I do not think that there will be any argument over the point that we all have some responsibility in helping this new age to materialize. I believe that most of us on the list do not expect to sit back and do nothing and just wait for God to do it all with some touch of a magic button. So let us go on the assumption that we do have some responsibility. How much responsibility do we have and how many planes does it extend to?
There will be two major points of view here.
(1) Our only responsibility will be to have peace within ourselves and extend peace and love to our neighbors. If everyone does this then there will automatically materialize peace on the earth. By using the inner powers alone we can change the outward reality without real work and action on the physical plane. Thus the way of peace is quite simple.
(2) This person agrees that we must have peace within ourselves and also extend it to our neighbor, but feels that this is not enough. There are a lot of well meaning people out there, but with fixed ideas who are happy to go to war to defend them. Part of the populace living in peace with themselves will have little effect on them for these people often think they have inner peace themselves. Just as there must be some plan and structure to discourage thieves burglarizing your home there must also be a plan on the physical plane that is followed to prevent war.
Assignment: Pick the category that is closest to your line of thought and tell us why you think your choice will work. I know that some will believe that they are in a third category, but I suspect this third category will really be closely linked to one of the above two. So please do not claim you are in a third category unless you can clearly define it.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved