1999-11-13 07:41:00
I think you misunderstand me somewhat. You say:
"Hi JJ, I didn't answer, because I found you were deluded about the specialness of the US. Could you turn the question otherwise? What can peaceful and civilized nations like China and Russia do to resist the wave that has first made them barbarous, and was issued from materialist United States, and then try to cope with that monster and avoid world war?"
Nations are great individual entities and are a lot like people and as such are responsible for their own destiny just as you and I are. It is true that some other nations attempt influence them negatively just as other people try to influence you and I. Nevertheless, I do not blame anyone but myself for my mistakes. Nations also must take responsibility for whatever situation they find themselves in.
I'm sure that Russia and China are as nervous about the US and NATO (which includes France) as we are about them. Therefore we should take action to increase stability.
Xavier: "A hundred years ago there was no communism. It appears that communism is born from international finance, and especially American one, that was afraid of the power that Russia represented. Same thing for China."
This is true, but why are you so bent on placing the blame on America? It was the cooperation of the banking powers of America, UK and Europe that made this possible.
Actually, if the people of a nation are willing to follow the path of least resistance which allows for totalitarianism then their consciousness will draw it to themselves no matter what form of government exists on paper. Thus, if they did not have communism as a totalitarian government they would have had some type of monarch or dictator which would have restricted freedoms in the same way.
There are some nations which have a democratic government on paper but in reality they have totalitarian dictatorships because their consciousness is not prepared for freedom.
At present I am concerned about the US, UK and Europe for their sense of freedom is being dumbed down creating a dangerous situation for ourselves. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
"Both these nations (Russia and China)have an age long history, most respectable, and they did not bring Mac Donalds and Coca Cola to the world."
Just like the rest of the nations. They all have their pros and cons. What's so bad about MacDonalds and Coke? If people want to buy them shouldn't they have that freedom? Sometimes a Coke will hit the spot unlike any other refreshment on the earth.
You'll say that I am raising US hate, and your question is about peace;-)
I'm not hating US, I'm hating that natiocentrism that makes you believe you are the light of the world when history proves the contrary. If there is a light, it is Hollywood, the light of showing off, and making others believe that you are.
(Of course I'm playing the devil's advocate on this one, I'm very curious about the degree of personal freedom that is achieved in the US)
I don't recall ever saying that the United States is the light of the world or even extolling my country as being a great example in this time period.
I do believe a representative or democratic form of government is a big leap forward over totalitarian regimes. Never in history has a stable democratic country made war with another one. Even though the US irritates France and the French sometimes irritate us there is close to zero chance we will ever nuke each other. This would only be a danger if one of us had some type of dictator surface. Freedom respects freedom. Our nations are not perfect, but there is enough freedom to create stability between us.
I do believe that the United States Constitution is a light to the world, but this document also owes a great dept to England and France as well as some inspiration from Indian tribal government.
When my nation does something right, I will support them, and there are some things they do which is beneficial to the world. But when my nation goes in the wrong direction I will not support it just because I happen to live here. Glenys pointed this out in my opposition to our war in Kosovo - which the French also supported unfortunately.
As far as Hollywood goes. It is not all bad either. They gave us Yoda.
I stand by my statements on Russia and China. I did not call them evil, but dangerous. Russia is experimenting with democracy just as Germany was before World War II. They also have many political parties vying for leadership just as Germany did making it possible for a fringe group to take control as the Nazis did in Germany. If I remember right Hitler only received 23% of the vote. If a majority were required he could have never become chancellor.
China is dangerous because the leadership there would like to take Taiwan back by force if necessary. If this first aggression were to occur the leadership of both the US and France may feel it necessary to go to war. Without a first aggression there would never be a second one. There is about a 50/50 chance China will make a first aggression here and that my friend is a dangerous situation.
"So my idea is first to learn about nations, peoples and history, and learn the true facts of what has be done by whom. Each of us needs to learn what part his nation played, and really, this is not official history. We need a long term view, and a sight that reaches in the long past. Once we know each people as an individual, and understand the relationships of this family of the world, it comes easily to find the spot where to apply pressure in order to bring peace."
This is a good plan, but let me remind you the history of the United States is not all bad and the history of France is not all good. Many of the people in this country are not as blind as you think. If you listen to Rush Limbaugh (the most popular talk show in the country) on internet radio you will hear lots of complaining about our government.
Let me know if I sound too self righteous about my country in future posts or if you have any more questions.
All for one...
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved