1999-11-11 11:32:00
My Friends,
My heart is warmed by your numerous postings. You have accepted my challenge and excelled. I apologize for not having the time to respond at present but will at the first opportunity.
I will make this comment - that several of you who attempt to speak for me are doing it very well and many others are writing words that very well could have been my words. The oneness principle is alive and well.
Project Peace and Goodwill Part II
To prevent a doomsday from ever materializing we are issuing the DECLARATION OF PEACE AND GOODWILL. This Declaration will be sent to all the nations of the world with the hope that they will endorse it and abide by its covenants. All people are invited to join Project Peace and Goodwill In this great endeavor.
Things that are not required for membership are as follows:
(1) First, a person is not required to support any particular creed, philosophy, or religion.
(2) One is not required to leave any religious or group affiliation.
(3) One is allowed to disagree with group ideas and still actively cooperate in areas of agreement.
(4) Membership is not to be denied because of race, sex, or belief, but is opened to all men and women.
Members should support the following objectives:
(1) The member (or supporter) should have a strong personal desire to see an actual and permanent peace and disarmament established through the freewill of man. However, the member should not be willing to sacrifice freedom and liberty for peace. A forced peace is not peace at all and is not caused by a uniting of the hearts and minds, for when the force is released the physical peace ends. Only through the uniting of the hearts and minds of men through freewill can a true and lasting peace be established.
(2) The member should support the principle of Goodwill, or right thinking toward all mankind. All mankind are to be looked upon as brothers and sisters no matter what their nationality, race, or ideology. In both belief and deed one should work toward establishing right relationships with his immediate associates, with his family on up, always trying to release the energy of love and treat all with consideration and justice. He should be willing to do unto others as he would have others do unto him.
(3) He should support the principle of freedom and liberty for himself and all men and not be willing to sacrifice it at any cost. Man must be free to express himself without fear and to pursue happiness in any way that does not harm others.
(4) He should recognize that first aggression is the destroyer of peace and work toward its cessation. The nation, group, or individual who takes the first aggressive step is ALWAYS wrong. There is no exception in history. Napoleon was misdirected in his aggression. Hitler was wrong when he invaded Poland, and all present day first aggressions are terrible sins against humanity.
IF THERE WERE NO FIRST AGGRESSION, THERE WOULD NOT BE A SECOND. Let this statement be engraved in the hearts and minds of the Peacekeepers throughout the world until it becomes the watchword of human peace.
All Peacemakers must be completely unbiased, especially concerning their particular religious and political beliefs. If one believes that Israel is God's chosen land, for instance, he still must not support a first strike by them. If he is a great believer in the Koran he must be able to decry an aggressive act by the Arabs. If a peacemaker is a member of the Communist party he must not support a move by his mother country to forcefully expand her dominion. And if one is an American he must not close his eyes to American first aggression. National and religious fixations must be put aside if world peace is to become a reality.
All Peacemakers must realize that aggression is aggression whether it be initiated by an enemy, or his favorite prophet, priest, or king. If the German people would have realized during World War II that their real enemy was not the Allies, but their beloved Hitler, the great war of the ages would have never been. The Third World War will never be if we can make hindsight our foresight and be willing to stand up and condemn aggression for what it really is.
In current feuds the initiator can usually be traced and pointed out. All new aggression in such cases should be decried. Nothing embarrasses a leader or dictator more than to have public opinion, or world opinion turn against him. If the Peacemakers can turn public opinion against an aggressor it is a major step toward subduing him.
(5) The member should support, not a reduction, not a freeze, but complete ELIMINATION of all arms and weapons that have the potential of destroying life on this planet. Conventional weapons could also be limited and armies reduced in size. This would save the nations untold billions. The money could then be spent on projects that will benefit mankind. The problem of turning this into a reality is that each nation wants the other nation(s) to make the larger step in reduction so that it can maintain a military advantage. Project Peace and Goodwill should play the watchdog and point out to the public who it is that is preventing wise action on this matter.
Disarmament is not complicated. It is so simple a child can understand it. Securing cooperation and trust among the nations, however, is the complicated part. Only a strong public opinion generated by a united organization such as Project Peace and Goodwill can shame the nations into laying down their arms. Too many leaders like to rattle their irons and push buttons. The total solution cannot be left up to them. It must be taken on by humanity itself, ordinary people like you and I. When humanity raises its voice loud enough, the leaders of the nations will listen - and respond.
Imagine a world where there is no threat of nuclear biological destruction. Would not one feel better about bringing children into the world knowing that they will actually live to become adults and be able to pursue health and happiness? Think long and hard on what a difference this will make, for such a massed human thought on such a wonderful idea will help to make it a reality.
Disarmament should never be undertaken unilaterally or on any unreasonable grounds. Those who thoughtlessly promulgated a one sided disarmament of the Allies in the thirties paved the way for the unchecked rise of Hitler. Then too, if they had not woke up at the last moment and armed themselves to meet the challenge we may very well be living under a Nazi government today. Common sense must always rule. Those who would support a one sided disarmament are living in a world of illusion. Nevertheless, it must enter into the consciousness of the human family that a complete nuclear and biological disarmament and world peace are attainable.
The main hindrance to world peace is that there are few who believe it is currently possible. The common man desires world peace and nuclear disarmament, but he must believe in it for it to be achieved.
Project Peace and Goodwill has three main purposes:
First, it is to instill in the minds of average humanity the idea that disarmament and peace are a real possibility and not the mere dream of a visionary. Many people will gladly accept it if it is presented to them correctly. This will be a major accomplishment, for peace cannot occur unless there is first a belief in peace.
Second, Project Peace and Goodwill will monitor present efforts toward disarmament and peace and give encouragement in the right direction. It will keep the public informed of progress and make suggested future steps that can be taken.
Third, it presents a logical Plan for nuclear disarmament and peace between the nations. After this is accepted then disarmament of conventional weapons will also be undertaken.
In the end of this treatise the reader will find an outline of the Plan which is called THE DECLARATION OF PEACE AND GOODWILL. Project Peace and Goodwill will promulgate this Declaration throughout the world until it, or something very similar to it is accepted.
We believe this Declaration is the most important document in the history of man for it pertains to the very survival of our species.
If a nuclear war were to break out one of two things would happen:
(1) Mankind would become completely extinct.
(2) Mankind would become almost extinct and the few that would be left would revert to tribal living. Civilization could take a long period of time to get back to the point where we are now.
The salvation of mankind from either of these fates would make The Declaration of Peace and Goodwill the most important document in history.
Fate number one is particularly dreadful to think about. This would be a blunder without historical parallel. Man has made many mistakes in his history, but each one has been correctable. If a kingdom or the entire world has fallen into the wrong hands the progress of man may be hindered a generation or two, but sooner or later man sees his mistake, becomes wiser than before, and sets himself on a cycle of greater advancement. Such would and could not be the case with a total destruction of humanity. It would be a mistake beyond repair from our finite viewpoint.
Let us contemplate such a tragic event just long enough to wake us from our sleep and then shift our attention to the fact (and we must make it a fact) that mankind will solve the problems that face him and peacefully enter a future more glorious than the race has ever enjoyed before.
Coming Next - Part III
How the Plan Will Be Accepted
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved