1999-11-6 18:21:00
By the way, Laura, you were right in assuming my thoughts. When two people tune in to the same source, they usually gain a very accurate assessment on what the other will think on a subject.
Jennifer asks me to ask some more questions. She must be picking up on the same source as me also, for I am sensing that it is time to return to the intuitive principle.
The reason we left it for a time was to present the teachings on the Molecular Relationship. I felt it would be best to give them to you straight out. I do have one more chapter to post but perhaps we can create some questions around it.
The last chapter has to do with making "Peace on earth, goodwill to men," a reality.
Mankind has looked forward to an age of peace since the beginning of this cycle of civilization. Most of us believe in our hearts that such a thing is possible, yet there are many threatening possibilities that loom on the horizon that cause fear and doubt in the souls of men and women. Can these obstacles be overcome to bring in the age of peace? That is the question.
But here is what I want you to post your thoughts on:
Is it going to take some great divine intervention to create a new age of peace or are we expected to do it on our own (with guidance from above)?
What are some steps individuals and groups can take to help bring peace and stability into reality?
Is the coming age of peace a sure thing or is it possible that it could pass us by if we do not do our part?
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved