1999-11-2 18:58:00
You may not think that you have presented the idea that you are judging us as being fear based for using the word "protection," but to me, and I believe the majority on this list, it certainly appears that way. Here's the way you come across:
"I am in this high and holy place where I dwell in only blissful love and I am beyond the need for fear based concepts such as protection. Those who cannot see as I see are obviously spiritually retarded and cannot feel the love as I do."
You have not literally said this but that is the feeling that many receive from your comments and you seem oblivious to this. You are always talking about yourself and how you feel and how glorious your lovefest with God is, yet I have rarely felt much more from you than a trickle down condescending sympathy for not attaining the high and holy place that you possess.
Let us look at one of the core teachings given by the Master of us all. He taught us how to pray by giving us what is now termed "The Lord's Prayer. In it He said: "And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL..."
To say that we are ahead of the Christ himself to the extent that we need no protection of deliverance from evil is quite a leap. I try not to put myself ahead of the Master, but apparently there are some that do. Jesus went on to practice what He preached and later told Peter that He was concerned about him and prayed that he would be protected from evil so he could be successful.
I have met quite a few people of both philosophies here, but have never met a person who sees no need for protection who has accomplished much more than dreams of glory. I know one guy who thinks he is the Lord of the galaxy incarnate and he sees no need of protection of any kind.
On the other hand, every single historical person I can think of who has accomplished good in the world has seen the need for protection in one form or another. Such initiators are not afraid of fear and can use all the words of both polarities in a positive way.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved