1999-10-18 09:39:00
Laura asks:
"Okay, I have a question, though. I was under the impression that Jesus was able to do such great works because of two reasons:
"1. He was a Master, and at a higher level than most humans would be in a few thousand years. 2. He was divinely possessed.
"I'm not arguing that we don't have the *potential* to do those works and greater in lifetimes that we become Masters, but how do we have that power in this lifetime?"
You do not need to be a Master to perform the same miracles as Jesus. The scriptures tell us that after Jesus selected the Twelve and commissioned them that they went out and performed similar miracles to His. Then he sent seventy others out and they did the same. Later, after His resurrection, even greater miracles were performed by these ordinary fishermen.
Now quite miraculous events can occur through the power of belief and faith, but the miracles of the Apostles were greater than any faith we have seen in this age because in addition to faith they had a molecular connection. With this additional link the spiritual energy available to the Masters now becomes available to the members who are linked (if such persons have the confidence to use it).
Next Laura asks if the divine possession is like soul contact. Not really. Soul contact begins with the still small voice that is so unobtrusive that you really have to pay attention to recognize it. On the other hand, the overshadowing with divine possession is the blending of holy fire and the disciple learns the truth of the phrase "my God is a consuming fire." Using the senses as an illustration, the Holy Spirit is like a slight tickle, the overshadowing is a thousand climaxes that do not subside.
Next Laura asks if the Christ is on the earth now in a physical body. Yes He is. He and other Masters reside in a place hidden from public knowledge and has worked with humanity over the past two thousand years. He is linked to the Ancient of Days and through that link has a feel for what is going on throughout the entire planet. He does some of His work in the same way we are attempting through the New Jerusalem meditation and some of you will meet Him there before you meet him here.
When and if the Christ comes in a physical body as well as the overshadowing He will merely reveal himself as He is now. There is not a group on the earth, however, that is ready to accept a regular looking human who is introduced as the second coming of Christ. That is part of our purpose - to prepare such a group.
Laura is full of good questions today. She also asks me about translating the Song into other languages. The thing to remember about the Song is the preservation of its meaning. Other languages may give some of the words a different twist, but the basic message and meaning of the Song can be fairly exactly preserved.
For instance "We thank you Father," and "We express gratitude to the Father," both basically mean the same thing. If a foreign language does not have an exact work for "thank," but does have one for appreciation the basic idea can be preserved.
Linda says:
"Have a look at the Zoroastrian tradition - they maintain (and I agree) that evil is created by human beings as part of the gift of choice. God does not create evil. Without the intention of doing evil - there would be none. God would not have an intention of doing evil? If I get my act together, I have a book at home on this which will explain it further and certainly better than I can."
Are you saying that God, in complete ignorance, made humans not knowing that good and evil would result? Of course you are not. God created man knowing that there would be good and evil, therefore God deserves the credit for both good and evil.
If you drop an anvil on your toe do you say that your action made your toe hurt or do you say gravity did it? You do not blame the problem on gravity because you already knew what gravity would do. You therefore take responsibility.
Even so both good and evil are God's creation. He put the pieces together and He knew what the pieces would do.
"The consciousness of Christ cannot be experienced..."
"That's strange; because I guess then I (and others) have experienced that which cannot be experienced.
I will say your statement of "look at nothing, but see everything," is a good key for seeing the aura.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved