1999-10-14 10:56:00
Congratulations to Glenys and Rangi for your great act of faith in what seems to be a miraculous healing. Just before Glenys told me about Rangi I felt a strong wave of negative energy and knew that something was wrong somewhere. Glenys came to my mind and just as I was about to write her I noticed an e-mail from her and in it she told me about Rangi's illness.
This negative energy was so strong that I expected the worst. I also thought that the negative forces would use this to distract Glenys from her important work with the Synthesis Group. I thus wrote a letter to her to warn her of this and to prepare for the worst.
I did not mean to imply she was wavering from her center, but that forces were at work in an attempt to cause a change of focus. Fortunately, she seems to have kept her mind firmly centered in the light, a thing that is rare in such circumstances.
Then a couple days later she wrote me and told me that Rangi was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and the doctors were only expecting her to live for a few months. This seemed to confirm my suspicion that Rangi's Higher Self had decided to take her, yet from Glenys' words I saw that she was not going to give up on her friend and also Rangi has tremendous faith and a desire to live and help in the work.
I contemplated long and hard, but still felt this feeling that a higher decision had been made; nevertheless, I wrote Glenys and told her that it is possible to change such decisions and joined with her in making her faith materialize and gave her helpful advice I could come up with. Then I felt the negative wall lift and at that time I finally felt that a healing was possible. It wasn't until then that I felt as much faith in positive results as Glenys did.
Then to my delight a short time later Glenys told me that to the doctors' amazement the cancer was no longer there. I firmly believe that if Glenys and Rangi had taken the line of least resistance that the results would have been far different.
Even though Rangi is over the worst she is still weak and I'm sure the group's continued spiritual support will be appreciated.
One of the goals of the New Jerusalem meditation is to create a healing center that can reach those on the list who are beyond our physical contact. This is far from perfected, yet in our infant state we can still send some healing energy by using the meditation given out so far.
Saul writes: "Your description provides an excellent demonstration of the relation of the oneness aspect to the opposition aspect of duality as well as the relation of duality to oneness."
Well thank you, Saul. In many ways I think we have a similar vision of oneness but use different terms and emphasis. I believe we have covered most of what is useful for the present, but that is not saying that we won't expand further in the future.
Viggi writes: "I for one believe in the attractiveness of the idea of the Molecule and want to participate in the calling, but would find it difficult to dedicate *all* my energies to this work because some (pretty much, really) of my energy goes into my work which is teaching 6 - 12 year old kids. But still I hope that what energy I do have left will allow me to be of some service."
I feel that I have dedicated all my possible energies yet I sometimes spend 80 hours a week making a living, because right now this is essential in the scheme of things for the overall good. To be a good servant you must take care of yourself and your responsibilities so you can have the freedom to do the higher things.
If you teach young children you also have an opportunity to influence their lives for good and this is certainly a step in the direction of the higher path.
Viggi also asks: "I seem to remember that one is supposed to recite The Great Invocation with two other persons and while doing so meditate on a Light triangle. Is this the case?"
This is advantageous with the Great Invocation and the Song of the 144,000 but not a requirement. It is helpful to say either one in any circumstance where you feel impressed to do so.
Then Viggi asks me to expand on sex, money and power. This I will do shortly.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved