1999-9-26 22:25:00
Thank you, Xavier, for asking for clarification on the planes. This subject will be obtuse for many but some will find it interesting. I will try and be as clear as possible.
To my statement: "No mortal in the flesh has come close to approaching even the lowest part of the cosmic plane..." You responded with: "If we are in the lowest of the cosmic planes, then we have approached the lowest part of it." You are correct here for I was not precise enough in my wording, must have been a little sleepy. This goes to show that the group is certainly not robots willing to swallow anything I throw out.
Let me rephrase and clarify. "No mortal in the flesh has come close to embracing in his consciousness even the lowest part of the cosmic plane which is the cosmic physical." It is true that we are part of the cosmic physical, but we are a part of the cosmic physical as a cell in our bodies is a part of us. It is aware of its own part, but may be oblivious to the whole. Cosmic consciousness is far above human consciousness and embraces entire planets and solar systems.
The only person on the planet that embraces all planes of the cosmic physical and is aware of the entire physical body of the earth as an omnipresent awareness is the Ancient of Days. Initiates of the sixth degree and above have an understanding of the whole cosmic physical through identification with the supreme Lord, but have not achieved full intelligence on the matter. These high initiates who are above the rank of Master also have limited understanding of the cosmic astral.
The Ancient of Days is a Master of the cosmic physical as regular Masters are Masters of the regular physical. He also has access to the cosmic astral as a disciple of the Solar Logos. The Solar Logos is a Master of the cosmic astral and his consciousness embraces the entire solar system and has full awareness of all lives therein. The Solar Logos is a disciple of a greater being who is so high the Masters call him The One About whom Naught Can Be Said. He is a Master of the Cosmic Mental and his consciousness embraces seven solar systems. Through linking with this great being the Solar Logos is able to function and learn on the cosmic mental. These greater lives progress until we get to the cosmic whole, which would be the Logos of the Milky Way Galaxy. Then there are higher lives still.
My main point in all this is that most humans only operate in the first two subplanes of the cosmic physical - the physical as we know it, and the astral. The greater intelligencia of the world operate in the lowest three and most initiates operate in only four out of the seven planes. None of us mortals understand the whole.
DK did say this: "The lowest cosmic plane is the cosmic physical, and it is the only one which the finite mind of man can in any way comprehend."
We partially comprehend, but there is much yet to understand. Even so duality will still have an existence on these higher planes of form indicating that it will be a long time in the future before it is completely transcended. And who wants to? If you had a choice would you want to be transported to a world way beyond your understanding and miss the fun of exploring and conquering this one?
What if you signed up for Algebra and someone promoted you to Algebra 6 where you were completely lost? That would be no fun. If you are watching a movie do you want someone to jerk you out of the theater, tell you how it ends and send you to a seminar on nuclear physics? Of course not. You want to stay and enjoy the movie and savor each minute, if it is a good one.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved