1998-11-25 11:10:00
I believe it was Ruth who wrote a while back about the difficulty all of us have in relationships from time to time so I thought I would pass on something that helps my wife and I.
When one of us has hurt or negative feelings toward the other we both realize that this is always caused by us looking on the outward imperfection in the other and that when we look upon each others souls or inner selves then we can only feel love and see perfection, so here is what we do.
When the negativity goes too far one of us will take hold of the other and we will sit down at our dining room table and look in each other's eyes. The one wanting peace will demand of the other: "Say I love you three times."
We have a deal with each other that no matter how negative we feel we will always be willing to tell the other "I love you" three times and the deal is that this cannot just be a quick repetition of words, but the "I love you," must at least sound sincere. If it doesn't the reluctant party must continue saying "I love you" until the other is satisfied that there is sincerity in the voice. The one receiving the "I love you" also returns them at least three times. The strange thing about this process is that when we are done we cannot even remember what the argument or negativity even was. What's more we don't want to remember.
Let me warn you it takes discipline to follow this process for if you feel like choking your mate it takes a certain presence of mind to say "I love you" like you really mean it. Perhaps I should say it takes a definite Decision. If any of you try this out I'm sure we would all like to hear how it works for you.
Copyright 1998 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved