1999-9-22 10:37:00
New Jerusalem Meditation continued
The next step is to pick the fruit you want to nurture. Do not worry if you are not sure which fruit to pick. You can change your mind later if desired.
You and your partner now stand back and look at your tree. The buds on it are turning to fruit, which seems to mature in about a minute as you put your attention on it.
You pick one that almost seems to be calling out to you and hold it in your hands. As you look at it, the shape, characteristics and qualities become clear to you. The desire to eat of it becomes strong as you sense that some spiritual qualities will be transmitted to you.
You pause a moment and then you, and your partner eat it. Even though you expected the taste to be good you find a new meaning to the word taste as you savor the experience. The fruit is simply delightsome. Eating it is such a wonderful experience that you would think you would be addicted and want to stay all day and eat, but just one piece of the fruit seems to satisfy completely. After you eat and are satisfied you sense the qualities of your particular fruit being transmitted to you and your partner.
You look around and see twelve trees in a circle bearing twelve different fruits and you notice that the other eleven couples have also eaten of their fruit and you sense their joy because of it.
Now you realize that each of the twelve fruits will have a different taste and effect and that you are free to exchange fruit with others. You and your partner both pick a piece of fruit from your tree and seek another to make a trade. You find another couple and make an exchange and sit down and eat together fully aware of the zodiacal sign represented. As you eat this new fruit you find it equally delicious, but different and wonderful. You can eat a third fruit if you wish, but I would not recommend more than three per visit and often just one will suffice.
Now, all couples look toward the center at one moment as a cloud of light forms on the top of the gentle hill. As you adjust to the light you see the image of a Master who represents the voice of God. Before your eyes, he divides in two and now you see a male and female Master drawing forth the energies just as you did and a most beautiful tree begins to grow. It only takes a moment or two and the tree grows to maturity and then buds forth fruit that grows into something with a rounded shape like a large grapefruit, but a smooth surface like an apple and brilliantly white and glowing.
Within yourself you know that this fruit is the most desirable of all fruits and you contemplate the purpose, taste and effect of it as you are made aware that you will soon taste of it.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved