1999-9-19 06:00:00
You speak of a one flow that we are supposed to tap into which is beyond dualities and time and space, yet the very fact that you call it a flow indicates otherwise. If it "flows" then it moves; if it moves then it is not unchangeable, for to flow or move it would have to move from point A to point B. Because we have a point A and a point B dualities are created. How can you say this flow is beyond duality when there would have to be a duality (points A & B) to even have a flow? Points A and B would have to be separated by space and if there is space and movement then there is time.
Time is not created by consciousness for time passes even when we are unconscious. Instead time is registered by consciousness. Time is created by motion through space. Thus any flow that does exist is created in space, time and motion, and exists in the principle of duality.
If you can explain how a flow can exist with no space, time and duality and in a state of changelessness I would be interested in hearing. Perhaps you need some other word than "flow?"
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved