1998-11-25 04:07:00
Old List
The Ten Religions or crowns are:
(1) The Roman Catholic Church
(2) The Eastern Orthodox Church
(3) The Protestant religions includes the Mormons even though they claim not to be protesting.
(4) Judaism
(5) Islam
(6) Shinto, Taoist
(8) Confucian
(9) Buddhist
(10) Hindu.
DotSabel@aol.com pointed out that I didn't have a number seven on the list of religions. The list should read as follows:
The Ten Religions or crowns are:
(1) The Roman Catholic Church
(2) The Eastern Orthodox Church
(3) The Protestant religions includes the Mormons even though they claim not to be protesting.
(4) Judaism
(5) Islam
(6) Shinto
(7) Taoist
(8) Confucian
(9) Buddhist
(10) Hindu
Copyright 1998 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved