1999-9-15 04:05:00
You all spoke many words but you did not answer my question. Let me phrase it a little clearer: Is it or is it not a grave error to become so addicted to drugs to the extent that one would waste several lifetimes in pain and misery that reaches out and effects many people?
You say that we do not know that he wasted several lifetimes or ruined the lives of others, this is incorrect. We do know because that is a part of the situation in the question. Hundreds of years were wasted when it was unnecessary. Do you believe in unnecessary harm then or do you believe all harm and waste are necessary?
Please do not tell me that all wasted time and all harm is necessary because God wills it or it is part of a plan. You've got to believe we are more than robots controlled from some other space. I guess you could say you do not believe in harm also, but if this is the case you should never lock your doors or turn on the heat in the winter.
We are not talking about some ultimate reality a trillion years in the future guys. We are talking about now! If we do not live in the real present and deal with it, illusion will overtake us like a magnet overpowers an iron filing.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved