1999-9-11 08:28:00
My friends,
I've been short on time the past few days, but I finally have a few minutes to relax and continue on the New Jerusalem meditation. (TGIF)
Saul. Thanks for responding to my interrogation. Obviously you have done considerable studying and thinking in your life. I think we agree on the basics of esoteric philosophy, but we present it differently.
I would like to see some of your postings reflect a little more about you as a person, maybe reflecting some of your history, how you feel about things etc. You sometimes sound like you are talking to us from a far elevated distance. I think the group would like to see more of what you're like up close and personal.
How old are you? What do you do for a living? Are you or have you been married? Any children? How long have you been interested in metaphysics? How did you get interested? Any comments on what you see as your purpose in life?
This line of thought just gave me an idea. I was thinking that there are a lot of us that we know very little about. I think we ought to do a highlight on some member each week. The person handling such a project of actually doing and posting the interviews does not have to be me. This would be a great job for one of you. How about it? Anyone have the time and inquisitiveness to spearhead such a project? We could prepare a general list of questions and the interviewer could play by ear about the direction and how far to go.
The Twelve Fruits Continued
Libra: We have all been at a crossroad where we were not sure what the next step is and just making a decision seemed like the most difficult thing in the world. There have been times for us all where we have felt a little like the two guys in the parable of Decision that were afraid to move ahead.
When this time comes the fruit of Libra is the stimulation that is needed. When partaking of this delicacy your power to see the decision that must be made will be amplified as well as your power of Decision itself. Also your discernment and power of judgment will be enhanced. Eating of this fruit will take you away from either extreme on the left or right and you will see the peaceful middle way where the choice is simple and your next step on the path is obvious.
As you take the benefits of this fruit down to regular life you will find that your power to assist and mediate for others is enhanced and that people will come to you seeking advice. This also enhances your romantic energy.
Scorpio: There comes a time in the life of each of us that we must prepare for battle, not always a battle in the physical battlefield, but life has many battlefields for us that require an additional reservoir of strength to prevail.
As we begin to sense the higher energies we battle for in the life of the soul, there are many times in life that negative forces tend to pull us backward and we must battle for the will to keep our minds centered in light and our hearts centered in love.
Eating the fruit of Scorpio greatly increases the positive side of our astral body as well as the higher will and gives us power to tackle and defeat those warring situations that face the spiritual warrior on a regular basis.
A good example of someone who could use this fruit would be Rick as he faces his court dates. Both Aries and Scorpio would be helpful, Aries for courage and Scorpio for the power and vitality to overcome.
This fruit also increases the vitality of the physical body as well as enhancing the sex drive. The overall effect after eating it is an increase in power, health and energy so you have the feeling that you have sufficient power to accomplish any task.
Sagittarius: We have all reached various goals in our life that tempt us to rest upon our laurels and relax so we do not push ourselves into more progression so we take additional steps in our Becoming. When we understand the principle of Becoming we, of course, take our Sabbaths of rest, but when recharged the true spiritual pilgrim moves ahead.
The fruit of Sagittarius opens our vision so we see further down the path than we have before. New vistas lie before us previously unrealized and we see beyond the I AM, to I AM BECOMING.
Eating this fruit gives you the power to see and reach your goal and then to see another as an endless stairway that lays before you. It increases your optimism and increases your sense of the dominating good that pervades all evolution. If you have any sense of impending doom this fruit will lift your spirits.
Capricorn: As we progress toward the goal, spiritual or material, there are many obstacles that get in the way and often discourage the strongest of hearts. The reason there are more failures in life than successes is not a lack of talent; most people who fail give in to discouragement whereas the successful ones do not. If we just have a little more determination, will and persistence then failure would be turned into success.
The energy and vitality for such persistence comes from the fruit of Capricorn. Eating of this brings a renewal of sense of purpose and will and increases our faith that we will prevail and bring our decisions into reality. It increases our self-discipline and gives us power to focus our Attention so the goal is reached.
This fruit also reveals whether your goals are in alignment with the higher Will of God. To take full advantages of its energies you must drop that not in alignment and go with those that are harmonious.
Aquarius: The key word behind this quality is "service" and is also the keynote of the coming age. The symbol of Aquarius is the man who bears the pitcher of water and from it pours forth living water to feed those who are thirsty for the waters and words of life.
He who eats of this fruit must have a desire for selfless service, for it increases the power to serve. Many seekers want to do more but feel they are doing all they can. This fruit will remove the obstacles so you will see the power to serve is within you no matter what your currant circumstances.
This fruit is very juicy and the water within it feeds and nourishes the soul. It brings your vision in alignment with the vision of God making service an all consuming passion. Your faith in yourself as a servant increases as you consume the living waters of the fruit and you see a vision of the fruit your works will bring forth among mankind because of your faith.
Aquarius is my Sun sign and my wife's; I will be nurturing the tree that bears this fruit, but there is room for all. If others feel this is their fruit, come serve with us!
Pisces: He who partakes of this fruit will partake of the power of the faith of Christ who told us that if we have the faith of a mustard seed we can move mountains.
Do you want to increase your faith and the faith of others? Do you want to see miracles happen in your life? Do others have faith in you and you do not want to let them down? Then this fruit will help you and increase your faith. Not only will it increase your faith, but if you contemplate after consuming it you will sense and understand the principle of faith and such knowledge will be power.
Through faith you can walk with ease across the disturbing waters of life as you breathe the fresh and exhilarating air in the real but unseen worlds.
Salvation and sacrifice are two other key words of this sign. Eating this fruit will give you power to save through stimulating the faith of others. You sacrifice consciousness in the lower self but gain a hundred fold as you shift consciousness by faith to the higher self.
Your job will be to tend and nurture one of these twelve trees which are in reality twelve aspects of the one Tree of Life. On the other hand, you are not limited to partaking of only one fruit. You will share your fruit with others and others will share theirs with you so you will periodically eat of all the twelve fruits.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved